[Rumor] American Express To Increase Sign Up Bonus To 40,000 Miles + 10,000 MQM On Delta Reserve Card

This comes from a normally reliable source, so I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be true. American Express has plans to increase the sign up bonus on the Delta Reserve card as part of their reshuffle of the Delta cards (including the introduction of a new no annual fee card). The new sign up bonus will be as follows:

  • 10,000 MQM (Medallion Qualification Miles) after your first purchase
  • 40,000 Delta miles after $3,000 in spend within the first three months

This would be the highest sign up bonus on this card we’ve ever seen (previous high is 10,000 MQM and 10,000 miles). It’s also possible that they will adjust the authorized user fee and reduce it from $175 to $0 (at the moment this is possible but you get a card without Delta Sky Club access. I presume this would be authorized users do get this access but this hasn’t been confirmed/decided as of yet. Note I’m not 100% certain how the Delta Sky Club Access currently works so please feel free to correct me in the comments). The card itself has a $450 annual fee and comes with the following benefits:

  • If you spend $30,000 or more in a calendar year you receive 15,000 bonus miles and 15,000 MQM. If you spend $60,000 or more you’ll earn an additional 15,000 bonus miles and an additional 15,000 MQM.
  • Delta Sky Club access (can also bring two guests for $29 per person)
  • Companion Certificate (domestic first class or main cabin round trip companion)
  • Card earns at the following rates:
    • 2x miles on Delta purchases
    • 1x miles on all other purchases
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Skypeso (@guest_452579)
August 3, 2017 11:19

It’s live now! Not sure if there’s targeting or if it’s a totally public offer, but I see it now on both the Amex and Delta websites.

Matt Katakis
Matt Katakis (@guest_450975)
August 1, 2017 16:25

This may sound like a dumb question, but do the MQMs count as bonus miles? So is it really 50K miles? It doesn’t look like it from the comments.

Either way, this is certainly a better deal than before. This can actually be a much better deal if you don’t have the Amex Platinum. And if you plan on buying a first class ticket and you’re on one of the coasts going to the other, this can be a very good deal.

P (@guest_450406)
July 31, 2017 21:08

Does Delta have lounges outside of the continental US?

Pat (@guest_450382)
July 31, 2017 20:34

Miles too low for the AF

MarcoPolo (@guest_450376)
July 31, 2017 20:25

What’s MQM ?
Never had a Delta card before.

NinjaX (@guest_450381)
July 31, 2017 20:33

dont worry about it. but here u go.

Medallion Qualification Miles

NinjaX (@guest_450352)
July 31, 2017 20:10


Tom (@guest_450331)
July 31, 2017 19:43

OMG please yessssssss i want this card (have had the platinum for 3 years already) but won’t sign up ever if they don’t offer miles.

Though for a $450 fee, they should put it at 50k at least. Hopefully 75k?

NinjaX (@guest_450356)
July 31, 2017 20:13

yea. i hope so. but do understand, Delta is an awesome airline. not awesome loyalty program. i dont like seeing all these elevated bonuses. meaning shit will deval quickly. delta already has a dynamic hidden dragon deval system in place for a reason. points will soon mean nothing.

matt (@guest_450330)
July 31, 2017 19:43

hmmm…40,000 Delta miles for $450? That doesn’t sound like value to me.

Tom (@guest_450333)
July 31, 2017 19:44

It also includes a BOGO cert each year for any domestic flight including First Class.
And SkyClub membership (equivalent of Citi AA Executive)

Aaron (@guest_450428)
July 31, 2017 21:45

@Tom – it’s actually not equivalent to the AA Exec. With the AA Exec, Admirals Club membership includes 2 guests free, whereas with the Delta Reserve, your 2 guests cost $29 each.

Daniel (@guest_450353)
July 31, 2017 20:10

This card is not for mileage chaser. MQM is the only thing matters.