[Quarterly Reminder] Chase Sapphire Reserve Offers $5/month DoorDash Account Credit

  • Update 4/12/24: Everyone else probably already knew this, but I learned today that DoorDash has grocery stores like Shoprite, Aldi and many more. They also have convenience stores like 7-Eleven. I added $35 from the grocery store to meet the free delivery requirement. I got $10 off with a promo code and then used my $15 DoorDash credit. (And I paid the balance with my Pepper points.) You can check for any discount offers for Grocery Stores at this Doordash link.
  • Update 9/1/22, quarterly reminder: You should now have $15 available for you from July, August, September if you didn’t use up the July and August credits. The $15 can be used anytime during the month of September.
  • Update 6/1/22, quarterly reminder: You should now have $15 available for you from April, May, and June if you didn’t use up the April/May credits. These can be used anytime during the month of June.
  • Update 4/4/22: You should now see the $5 Doordash credits in your Doordash account. (It’s not a credit card statement credit – it’s a Doordash credit for accounts with a linked Sapphire Reserve card.) If you’d like, you can wait until June 1st and you should have $15 accumulated which is easier to use for a meal. We’ll try posting a reminder each quarter on the first of June, September, December, and March to use up the credit.
  • Update 4/1/22: The $5 benefit and the Dashpass benefit are now live. FAQ
  • Update 2/1/22: Media sources are confirming both of these things: the $5 monthly credit and the DashPass extension through 2024 (for Chase Sapphire Preferred, Reserve & No annual fee Sapphire). Two additional details on the $5 monthly credit:
  • The $5 credit is for Sapphire Reserve cardholders and it will begin in April 2022 and continue through December 2024.
  • The $5 credit expires after 3 months. This makes it possible to easily use them in $15 increments four times per year. Much more useful than $5 expiring each month.
  • Update 1/31/22: It has now been confirmed that DashPass has been extended until 2024.

Original post (1/29/22):

A Reddit member heard from a Chase rep about a renewal of DoorDash benefits coming to the Sapphire Reserve card:

We’ll have to wait and see exactly which Chase cards will have these offerings, but the Sapphire Reserve will certainly be included, per the report.

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I3CuBeD (@guest_1860275)
June 16, 2024 11:10

Quarterly reminder @chuck  William Charles

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1830157)
April 12, 2024 18:57

Does $5 even cover the service fee these days?

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1830164)
April 12, 2024 19:11

No service fee for pickup on my orders.

DT (@guest_1830189)
April 12, 2024 21:00

That is correct. However, doordash pricing is different than if you order at the store and take away or call the store and order and pick up.

Frey (@guest_1830194)
April 12, 2024 21:20

I think that depends on the store. I still have a couple places that have the same price but I do delivery and use my credits and discounted gift cards to offset the fees/tip so pretty much same as calling and picking up and not having to leave the house.

Celia 🔗
Celia 🔗 (@guest_1830353)
April 13, 2024 12:08

DT Fair point but between the free credits, cheap gift cards and the occasional promo codes, it can also be cheaper than doing take away directly.

Twitch1 (@guest_1830094)
April 12, 2024 16:29

Also, reminder for the 15/15 instacart credit for the csr/csp (monthly/quarterly)

Frey (@guest_1830195)
April 12, 2024 21:20

Coming to an end in July 😞

WC (@guest_1765685)
December 27, 2023 01:32

2 questions. I just upgraded to CSR and started using Doordash with the card.

  1. Will the $5 credit be given every quarter (Jan-Mar/Apr-Jun/Jul-Sep/Oct-Dec) for everyone? or is it 3 month starting Dec for me (Dec-Feb)? I comprehended it as Oct-Dec for me as well so my 2023 Dec credit should be expiring 12/31/2023.
  2. I have $100 giftcard balance redeemed few days ago. My doordash credit says $105 including the CSR monthly credit. If I order once more, let’s say $30, will it use the CSR credit first and then use my giftcard credit? Which form of credit comes first? Doordash app doesn’t explicitly say which one is used first.. Hope it uses credit in the order of expiration date (CSR $5 monthly credit -> Doordash giftcard credit).
CSWC (@guest_1754479)
December 8, 2023 19:58

If I add two chase sapphire reserve cards to my doordash account, will I have 2 x $5 per month?

Ben (@guest_1749148)
December 1, 2023 14:04

Are orders with promo codes used on them eligible for the CSR credit? Just wondering as I’m considering upgrading to it and this is a nice little perk.

Bill (@guest_1752972)
December 6, 2023 22:19

Yes, it’s just a credit that gets applied to your order. I used to be able to stack it with the $5 monthly MasterCard credit, which got applied as a promo code.

Matty (@guest_1749133)
December 1, 2023 13:44

Since others have commented, just to clarify: this isn’t actually a quarterly credit; the $5 accumulates for 3 months, so if you (like me) don’t really use DD, you can let it build up, and on the third month, you’ll have a use-it-or-lose it balance of $15.

I think DoC is just using quarters as a way to remind folks, but everyone’s 3-month cycle might be different.

Andy (@guest_1749153)
December 1, 2023 14:09

I’ve heard that if you live together with other CSR cardholders, your cycles will sync up within a month or two.

Dan (@guest_1684669)
September 2, 2023 09:23

Can I keep letting the $5 build up before using it?

Frey (@guest_1684738)
September 2, 2023 12:34

Can build up to 3 x $5 credits. That is probably why DoC does quarterly reminders.

Bill (@guest_1752075)
December 5, 2023 21:51

Each credit expires after 3 months.

Bob Sters
Bob Sters (@guest_1684652)
September 2, 2023 08:02

Why is this a quarterly reminder? Can I combine August, September and October credits together?

HelpyBoi (@guest_1749121)
December 1, 2023 13:22

Yes, max you can accumulate is $15.

Fay White
Fay White (@guest_1684350)
September 1, 2023 16:32

Has anyone figured out how to use the $5 DoorDash mastercard credit for multiple mastercards?

Saint4210 (@guest_1684453)
September 1, 2023 20:13

Similar question for multiple Sapphire Reserves. I wasn’t able to figure it out. Currently, I’m just keeping separate accounts running with the monthly credit.