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The Offer
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Check your Safeway Just4U for a digital coupon to get:
- $15 off when you buy two $100 Mastercard gift cards.
- $10 off when you buy two $50 Mastercard gift cards
The Safeway deals are usually at Von’s, Albertson’s, Randall’s, Tom Thumb, Acme, Shaw’s, and Jewel too.
The Fine Print
- Valid until 9/7/19
Our Verdict
Remember to save the offer first to your card before use. You won’t get fuel points on Visa/MC gift cards. Make sure to use a card that earns at a high rate on grocery store purchases. In the past this has not worked on variable load cards.
Hat tip to reader Rolando & Mikey
Couldn’t find it on 9/1, might be because of location (HI)? The only deals showing are the ‘Happy’ GCs. Also missing out on the Staples GCs because there are no stores on island.
Did Visa offer disappear?
If you don’t see it then I guess it did. I still have it, but I already clipped it.
I haven’t even gotten all the VGC’s from my 4 accounts yet.
Grrrr, back to my 10+ logins I go…
Lmao, ikr. I just did it yesterday to save up the VGCs since it was last day to do it and today this shows up. On the bright side now we can do $600 in one transaction.
There is a $5.95 service charge per card 🙁
The $15 off more than covers that. Use a high earning grocery card to get more out of it. I bought all 4 today (2x $100 Visa and 2x $100 MC). Saved me a trip when I saw them this morning. 🙂
A nice Sunday surprise. Recent VISA offers were identical, also with no reward points.