Sephora & Alliance Data To Launch New Co-Branded Credit Card

Card has now launched, for full details click here.

Sephora has partnered with Alliance data to launch three new credit cards in the spring. They will offer the following:

  • Sephora Credit Card (store card)
  • Sephora Visa® Credit Card
  • Sephora Visa Signature® Credit Card

It isn’t clear what the rewards earning structure will be for these cards, but it will run on back of the existing Sephora rewards program. If card applicants don’t already have a Sephora account then they will be automatically signed up for one when applying. Alliance data is a Columbus, Ohio-based card services company, we’ve previously covered them when they took over The Children’s Place portfolio.

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carl wilson
carl wilson (@guest_735017)
March 14, 2019 18:06

My non-churner wife gets about 2 boxes per week from Sephora and probably spends thousands per year there.

If they give something crazy like 5x cash (not Sephora credit) back at Sephora I may consider telling her about this. Otherwise she will be told nothing. Last thing she (we) need is to encourage her spending more money at Sephora!

Traveler (@guest_735048)
March 14, 2019 18:54

Yo, my girlfriend loves Sephora too. you should consider the ebates MR cars. Usually 4 percent back, sometimes doubled to 8%; i.e. 8MR. With the card, you would get additional 3 MR, 11MR. Cashed out to schwab, your getting 10%+ off.

carl wilson
carl wilson (@guest_735065)
March 14, 2019 19:11

Interesting point.

I have 2 Schwab brokerage accounts. If she signed up an AMEX platinum and added me as auth user, could we have it linked to my Schwab brokerage account for cash out purposes? Or would she have to get her own Schwab brokerage account?

BW (@guest_735013)
March 14, 2019 17:45

My wife shops a ton as Sepohra, but a new card will have to have a killer reward structure to beat all of the portal/card deals they regularly run.