Shake Shack Considering Loyalty Program (& List Of Potential Rewards/Benefits)

Shake Shack has sent out surveys recently trying to determine what people would like to see in a loyalty program. Users were asked to select from the below list:

None of the benefits really stand out to me, but maybe this would be in addition to free food for spending as well.

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J Ro
J Ro (@guest_872876)
January 11, 2020 21:44

I only go here because of amex gold x2. Never would spend my real money on the overpriced, but good, food,

Sam (@guest_872757)
January 11, 2020 19:30

shake shack is wayyyy overrated

Matthew (@guest_872844)
January 11, 2020 21:04

It’s like if In N Out were hipster, 50% more expensive, and not as good!

Pretty FI for a White Guy
Pretty FI for a White Guy (@guest_874512)
January 13, 2020 10:58

I will die on this hill: In ‘n’ Out is fine but overrated, the Shackburger is amazing.

Cjrmets (@guest_872742)
January 11, 2020 19:13

Not worth the cost… Better off going to 5 guys

Unlisted (@guest_872896)
January 11, 2020 22:09

Maybe it’s just the cities I’ve lived in, but Five Guys seems even more expensive to me. Both are pricey. I just don’t see an additional “cost” with Shake Shack (unless you just dislike Shake Shack’s food).

In Seattle, a Five Guys cheeseburger in the suburbs is $9.09. A Shack Burger near downtown is $5.99. Similar story in Charlotte, NC (although not as big of a difference).

Five Guys fry portions are bigger, which is nice.

Paul (@guest_872620)
January 11, 2020 17:12

I took this survey. Looks like they are considering offering combo meals as well (fry+drink+burger, etc.)
Was offered $10 GC to take the survey.

Ry5 (@guest_872920)
January 11, 2020 22:41

What survey service?

Paul (@guest_873050)
January 12, 2020 00:45

Shake Shack randomly emailed me one day to take the survey

GoPack (@guest_872577)
January 11, 2020 16:34

I mean, “Free Menu Item” seems to imply free food no?
Sounds good to me.