[Expired] Shake Shack: Free Fries For COVID-19 Vaccine

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The Offer

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  • Shake Shack is offering free fries for those that have received the COVID-19 vaccine

The Fine Print

  • Offer valid until 11:00 pm EST on 6/12/2021 only at participating Shake Shack locations when you show proof of vaccination (vaccine card) to the cashier (excluding airports, stadiums, and ballparks).
  • Must purchase a burger or chicken sandwich in-store for promotion to apply.
  • Max savings of $3.15.
  • One-time use only.
  • Offer includes plain Crinkle Cut Fries only.
  • Not available on app, web, or delivery.

Our Verdict

Another nice freebie for anybody that has received the vaccine. Anything that encourages that is a positive in my opinion.

Hat tip to Michael W Travels

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Philip (@guest_1195542)
May 24, 2021 19:49

At shake shake today they said they couldn’t do the promo because nobody was staffed at the register because of covid. Honestly rather absurd.

Junie (@guest_1195532)
May 24, 2021 19:12

So when is Chuck E. Cheese next?

WR2 (@guest_1195517)
May 24, 2021 18:51

If not available in app, how are they enforcing the one time only restriction? I hope they aren’t actually recording vaccine card info.

Mr G
Mr G (@guest_1195472)
May 24, 2021 16:40

Unvaxxed are spending more. We don’t need free handouts!

April spending and survey data from market-research firm Cardify.ai show that unvaccinated consumers who don’t plan on getting the vaccine are spending the most on restaurants, entertainment and personal care compared to vaccinated consumers.

Those who have received the Covid-19 vaccination are “proceeding with cautious optimism,” said Derrick Fung, chief executive of Cardify, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. Fung also added that unvaccinated consumers are more to be risk-tolerant and living a more normal life.

NoMatches? (@guest_1195494)
May 24, 2021 18:00

And they were the only ones keeping the economy going the last year as well

Jack john
Jack john (@guest_1195757)
May 25, 2021 09:38

Lmao fantasy land where unvaccinated people “aRe ThE rEAl hErOs GuYz!!!!”. You guys sure do find unique ways of reaching new levels of patheticness.

GoPack (@guest_1198228)
May 30, 2021 20:47

It’s really sad to see those that lack IQ get brainwashed so easily by conservative media

Superman (@guest_1195519)
May 24, 2021 18:53

I respectfully disagree with Mr G. Despite actual vaccine effectiveness of approximately 80% for single dose, and 100% in preventing severe cases and hospitalizations for fully vax’d; the perceived vaccine effectiveness remains between 15% and 56% as vax’d statistically are less likely to dine at restaurants or return to normal public activities. The state of our economy needs vax’d to acknowledge empirical data instead of denying science. https://assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2021/05/11162850/210510_Vaccinated-vs-Unvaccinated-Comfort_fullwidth.png

Jack john
Jack john (@guest_1195758)
May 25, 2021 09:40

Unvaccinated clowns are the actual science deniers here, please remove your head from your ass. I know the mentally challenged crowd will clap for you, but we both know you’re a complete idiot. Please don’t reproduce.

Jason_08 (@guest_1196217)
May 26, 2021 02:57

fucking LOL.

“ACTUAL vaccine effectiveness is (high number)” but “PERCEIVED effectiveness is (low number)”

Read it again. hilarious that what you get out of this is that vaxxed people are the ones who need to acknowledge data and not deny science. Funny how the unvaxxed people are ignoring ACTUAL vaccine effectiveness and relying on what they PERCEIVE it to be. If people were listening to the data from the science, more people would be getting vaccinated.

All this data does is show how stupid and reckless they are with their own and everyone else’s life. Unvaxxed people are the real science believers, yet refuse to get a vaccine that is proving its effectiveness because they refuse to listen to the science. lol

djfly (@guest_1195447)
May 24, 2021 16:05

“Must purchase a burger or chicken sandwich in-store for promotion to apply”
Wouldn’t exactly call it a freebie. Just saying!

LOL/12 (@guest_1195432)
May 24, 2021 15:39

If you have cashapp check it for 25% off shakeshack

Cj (@guest_1195388)
May 24, 2021 14:10

mwahahahah…it would take alot more than some crappy fries to get me vaxxed lol

Jack john
Jack john (@guest_1195394)
May 24, 2021 14:17

Relax, it’s just a vaccine for covid19, we don’t yet have vaccines to cure your retardation. Maybe one day.

NoMatches? (@guest_1195495)
May 24, 2021 18:02

How do you expect that childish attack to get someone to get vaccinated, grow up

HardTacoKit (@guest_1195421)
May 24, 2021 15:21

alot? maybe there will be a vaccine for illiteracy someday.

Raymond (@guest_1195371)
May 24, 2021 13:54

Obesity homecoming!

Mr G
Mr G (@guest_1195358)
May 24, 2021 13:40

I’m asking this as a genuine question. Why is there this need to incentivize getting vaccinated?

Jack john
Jack john (@guest_1195377)
May 24, 2021 14:01

You’re genuinely asking why there’s a need to get vaccinated, using vaccines that have shown very high efficacy, against a virus that has fucked the entire world for the past almost 2 years? You’re joking right?

LNK (@guest_1195452)
May 24, 2021 16:09

I think he asked why we need “incentivize” to get people vaccinated. NOT why there a need to get vaccinated.

NoMatches? (@guest_1195496)
May 24, 2021 18:03

Two years?

Jack john
Jack john (@guest_1195943)
May 25, 2021 14:33

“almost 2 years” would you be happier if I said 1.5? I didn’t know the antivaxxer clowns were so into preciseness what with you being mentally challenged and all.

Superman (@guest_1195458)
May 24, 2021 16:15

The question assumes a conclusion that junk food was used to emphasize a health PSA rather than a health PSA being exploited by marketing ad teams to incentivize their own product brands. In an ideal world, getting vaccinated is its own incentive.

RAM (@guest_1195301)
May 24, 2021 12:44

“One-time use only.” how do they enforce it? especially that it is not tied to the app login

GoodCow (@guest_1195454)
May 24, 2021 16:11

Nah they don’t enforce it. I have been abusing this every day.