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Ge (@guest_2001000)
February 9, 2025 00:13

For some class actions rewards I got, I have 12 cents on some Blackhawk issued visa debit cards (ecard, not physical). I can’t figure out how to use these up. 12 cents is below the minimum for Amazon, my Verizon bill, my Comcast bill, my electricity bill etc. anyone know what vendor would take such a low amount in one transaction?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2001051)
February 9, 2025 05:19


It’s possible that you might be able to use them up at 1 of the grocery stores near you if they can automatically detect the amount remaining.

Go to the below page and then find the “Search” box and type in “drain” to find some DPs that should be helpful to you.

HG (@guest_2001117)
February 9, 2025 11:33

I don’t have the physical card though, it’s just an electronic card. Do you know how to use up the electronic card at the grocery store?

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_2001121)
February 9, 2025 11:40

No, I don’t.

c3 (@guest_2001164)
February 9, 2025 13:02

See if you can put it in a digital wallet first.

HG (@guest_2001195)
February 9, 2025 14:46

Good suggestion. I was able to put into my google wallet.

Bankrupt (@guest_1977426)
January 1, 2025 14:37

Anyone know of a vpn company that i can get service covered by these small balances credit waiver ?

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1960066)
November 27, 2024 09:24

There are some charities out there you can automate payments to for under $5. I set this up at one point, but scaled back because I got spammed to death with mailers / emails, but it did technically work.

JD (@guest_1956372)
November 21, 2024 14:10

How come no one is talking about buying Paypal bucks (PYUSD)? Zero fees to buy/sell/transer, can instantly transfer to someone else or covert back to USD…seems like its directly up your alley…made an offhand comment in another thread that got zero response so are you all just unaware of this?

Autumn (@guest_1956379)
November 21, 2024 14:19

Your Visa debit â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢6919 is now linked to your PayPal account but can’t be used to purchase crypto.”

Autumn (@guest_1956381)
November 21, 2024 14:19

did you have success? it’s telling me cannot be used.. it’s a normal checking debit card

JD (@guest_1956659)
November 21, 2024 21:49

Weird…do you have an existing card you can try? Maybe you need to wait a few days after adding a new card…

Autumn (@guest_1956660)
November 21, 2024 21:51

yes above.. i tried.. i’ll also try waiting a few days too

G (@guest_1910254)
September 12, 2024 10:45

Here are some online-only methods (obviously YMMV but I find all of this more palatable than strategies like buying individual bananas at the self-checkout)

It’s easy to buy books, music, movies, or other media for as low as $1. Amazon, Apple/iTunes, Google Play, etc all sell low-cost digital goods. Many services allow you to share content with family members. There’s also Humble Bundle, Bandcamp, and other “pay what you want” services. Steam sales often have games for less than $5.

Google Drive has a $2/month subscription for 100 GB storage. Zoho has a bunch of plans at $1-3/month. You can set up recurring donations with some charities too. NY EZpass reloads and Dunkin app reloads are $2 max.

The Wall Street Journal frequently runs sales where you can subscribe for $1-2 per week for 52 weeks. (This is one of the easiest automated methods.)

Bankrupt (@guest_1977427)
January 1, 2025 14:38

I use the google drive & icloud

Now trying to find a vpn & music subscription covered

CC (@guest_1892166)
August 12, 2024 19:17

I found I can make estimated tax payments to my state income tax (Iowa). $0.50 payments were getting a 0.01 transaction fee. It appears the bonus the fee is hitting my account as a separate transaction essentially doubling up the transactions.
free loan to the state, or if you owe estimated payments anyway this is a win-win to drive transaction count

Das Apache
Das Apache (@guest_1880495)
July 23, 2024 14:53

are any of these methods easily automated?

AlertTip (@guest_2000707)
February 8, 2025 13:42

Basic Interactive Language Tools appears to be easily automated for $1.55. Otherwise, the Amazon $5 gift card approach works well.

sg77 (@guest_1878647)
July 20, 2024 13:42

A few people had their Cash App accounts shut down:

KMan (@guest_1873499)
July 12, 2024 10:08

I am making $1/$2 Verizon Fios bill. However, they let you only make one payment at a time with the same amount.

Eric 🔗
Eric 🔗 (@guest_1873522)
July 12, 2024 10:43

You can pay the same amount as long as you use different cards.

Heather (@guest_1894624)
August 17, 2024 15:49

This won’t work with VGC from PW/Incom right?

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
July 9, 2024 23:01

 Chuck Missing from the list, but mentioned below is “split payment/split tender” OR “partial payment” using Wal-Mart self check out. Personally, I have only done this when trying to use up large gift cards ($50-$100) on a larger item purchase, but I guess it could be used for small purchases/debits, if you have the patience.

Seen someone mention on another thread that even Starbucks has this option, but when you charge $5+ for a coffee, multiple options of financing should be available.