Update 12/8/24: Deal is back
Update 12/1/24: Deal is back.
Update 11/20/24: Deal is back from 11/24 – 11/30. Hat tip to DDG
Update 7/22/24: Deal is back for July 21 – 27. Voucher valid 7/28-8/3. (In Maryland the dates are slightly different.) Direct Link to gift card promo. It’s not clear whether it’s for a $15 voucher or $20 voucher as the landing page rotates between the two. (ht GC Galore)
The Offer
- ShopRite is offering $15 off your next shop when you spend $100 or more on most gift card brands.
Our Verdict
Use a card that earns at a high rate on grocery store purchases to get an even bigger discount.
Offer History:
- Update 6/7/24: Deal is coming back for June 9 – June 15, 2024 (ht Eric)
- Update 10/9/21: Deal is back and valid from October 12-13, 2021. $15 discount is valid October 15-21, 2021
is this one per shoprite plus card or can you do multiple?
One per price plus card, per offer week
Not from the area, but was visiting friends in Staten Island, NY and the customer service desk told me they only accept cash or debit for the GCs. Not sure if this is YMMV, or a company policy.
All stores are privately owned so up to boss what he does. But for years all the stores in Danbury Ct and Westchester, Putnam, Duchess and Sullivan counties in NY accept credit cards. Amex BCP is the way to go or if lucky, obc. I buy 100.00 worth of gcards and cc work all the time with rebate either printed or a SR gift card for 20.00.
Does Shoprite carry Amazon GCs?
Not the ones near me.
Novacat05 just provided an interesting theory. Last week, like them, I still had my coupon loaded from the previous week when I purchased $100 of gc and the coupon did not print.
Had any of you used your coupon already before making the $100 gc purchase last week? If so, what happened?
Maybe I’ll test it myself this week and use last week’s coupon code (since the coupon didn’t print) before making my gc purchase.
I bought the gc when last week coupon unused, no problem.
This morning I decided to test Novacat05’s theory as I didn’t have much to lose. I confirmed that their theory is incorrect and that your DP is correct. 😀
Coupon did not print today in South NJ for week 3. CFA & Depot $50. CS rep looked up my PP account and verified it did load to my card, but didn’t print on the receipt for some reason. Possibly because I had a $20 offer loaded from the prior week I was about to use in 30 minutes? They wrote the code down on the receipt and initialed it for use next week. Would have rather had a gift card, but oh well.
any DP for North NJ this round?
North NJ Printed,
$20.00 cert printing in central nj this afternoon
to anyone who is doing this offer for the 3rd week straight! The last 2 weeks, the 20.00 cert. did not print in SR in CT and upstate NY. Used 2 PP cards. (P1 and P2) CS gave us 2 20.00 SR gift cards both times. $80.00 total to be used anytime. Just bought Gulf and Dunkin gift cards each time. (you can load the DD card to your app for more deals). P2 told me that we can get another 20.00 gift card since the PP card has no record of the gift card. Did not think it was ethical. BUT Friday did the same DD and Gulf cards and this time the 20.00 cert printed on both PP cards receipts. As the other poster stated, it must have been fixed…. Well, I figure I spend about 25k every 2-3years at SRite so maybe I deserve the gift cards!!! I shop for my church, a Jewish medical center, and some elderly neighbors.
thanks for the heads up !
Does anyone know if these “coupons” printed on the receipt would work for redeeming in self checkout? I like doing self-checkout lately with my Chase Freedom as default scan-to-pay method on PayPal (5% PayPal ending this month, and I think groceries are usually a Q1 bonus category … I’ll get a Citi Custom Cash eventually lol).
I guess I have to use my 3% Savor to buy the gift card at regular checkout, because I doubt you can purchase gift cards at self checkout??
It’s kind of a pain doing PayPal for self-checkout though, because you gotta wait for an employee to come over with a handheld scanner in the end. I just wonder how extra annoying it’d be if I presented the $20 coupon too and the possibility of them telling me they can’t do anything and to just pay and go to customer service.
William Charles,
The $20 coupon on $100 gc purchase is back for the 3rd straight week starting on Sunday!
The question is is it printing out naturally without spending 30 minutes to talk to customer service
My CS rep in 2 diff stores took about 1 minute! Good help at least in these 2 stores.