Should You Apply Now for Chase INK Unlimited 90,000 Points Offer?

The 90,000 points offer on the Chase INK Unlimited card just went live online by following the steps outlines in this post. The quandary for many of us is that we’d like to also get a 40,000 points referral bonus for a friend who refers us to the card. That referral offer is ending on September 2, 2024, and it seems unlikely we’ll see referral links with the 90,000 offer before that date. And so we’re stuck either signing up for a 75k bonus with 40k referral or waiting

Those who are mainly signing up for the bonus might do better going for the 120,000 offer on INK Preferred. However, it’s worth noting that it’s not guaranteed that you’ll end up getting the match on that card either since your approval might not come until after September 5th when that bonus ends. Once there’s no public landing page, it’s by no means certain you’ll get a match from Chase.

Another option is to signup for the 75,000 INK Unlimited offer via a 40,000 referral link and then hope to get the bonus matched. If we’ll assume the 90,000 INK Unlimited offer goes public soon and also that they match it, there is a chance to get a match will get backdated before the public offer date. With the recent INK Preferred bonus increase we saw them backdate it a full month, and it’s likely they’ll match this one at least from August 25th/26th when it went live in Chase branches.

Ultimately there’s no perfect solution here, and we’ve left with a number of options:

  1. Signup directly for the 120,000 INK Preferred without any referral bonus
  2. Signup for the 100,000 INK Preferred offer via 40,000 referral link. Even if you get approved after September 2nd, you’ll still get the 40k referral bonus. And hopefully you’ll get approved quickly and/or will somehow be able to get the match on the 100k bonus to 120k.
  3. Signup directly for the 90,000 INK Unlimited without any referral bonus (we discussed in the original post why this offer might be superior to the 120,000 INK Preferred offer)
  4. Signup for the 75,000 INK Unlimited offer via 40,000 referral link. Even if you get approved after September 2nd, you’ll still get the 40k referral bonus. And we can hope that it will be possible to get a match and increase the signup bonus from 75k to 90k.
  5. Wait and hope that the referral offer on the INK Unlimited card gets update to 90,000, and then signup for the 90k card bonus + 20k referral bonus.
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dd (@guest_1903801)
September 2, 2024 12:01

I’ll probably just go for the cash to get the referral bonus and have an option to only spend 3k vs 6k

Ben (@guest_1903730)
September 2, 2024 10:16

Any DP’s of SM’ing for match, but already having the card you were just approved for? I was approved for the 100k Preferred via 40k referral, and want to request the 120k match, but am a bit worried about them noticing my other card. Not the first time I have had 2X card at the same time, but it would be the first time requesting a match with 2.

midawest (@guest_1908011)
September 9, 2024 14:50

How did it end up going?

John P
John P (@guest_1903373)
September 1, 2024 12:24

Went the referral route yesterday from P2 and got instant approval. Planning to send a SM today to ask for the match to 90

Scott (@guest_1904860)
September 3, 2024 22:40

Can you explain what a match is?

Mon (@guest_1906327)
September 6, 2024 10:20

applying at 75k, meeting the spend, then asking chase to match the publicly available offer of 90k.

tomin (@guest_1903168)
August 31, 2024 22:32

I’ve applied for this based on what appeared like a targeted offer and got declined. 3 months back. (I do have an INK cash Biz card with hardly any transactions, though I don’t have a real business other than one-off sells on Ebay) Should I try again ? Also, if they approve, do they really track spend is on Business needs ? )

John P
John P (@guest_1903557)
September 1, 2024 22:08

They don’t care what you spend it on

Tumbleon (@guest_1902938)
August 31, 2024 11:23

Can someone confirm that if we generate 40k referral links before 9/2 that if they get used and approvals after 9/2 that we will get 40k referral bonus?

Jatan (@guest_1903572)
September 1, 2024 22:52

Link will most likely be dead so you’ll have to generate new link (or sometimes they might auto redirect to your new link) — they could also just give 40k or 20k depending on referral application date so I highly doubt you’ll be able to do anything

Credit Card Offers
Credit Card Offers (@guest_1902832)
August 31, 2024 02:09

anyone able to get a match for the ink cash?

Frey (@guest_1902904)
August 31, 2024 09:40

There is no offer to match for the Ink Cash, only the Unlimited or Preferred.

BG (@guest_1902783)
August 30, 2024 22:38

#4 is confirmed working. P2 referred me for the 75k offer, P2 got the referral bonus, I requested match by SM and got the affirmative “message us after 6k” reply.

Alex (@guest_1902806)
August 31, 2024 00:19

The DP we needed.  Chuck

HarryTheFirstHarry (@guest_1903029)
August 31, 2024 15:19

Its not really a done deal until the deal is done.

Firethunder (@guest_1903417)
September 1, 2024 14:16

Sure but you can either wait 3 months to see if chase sticks by their word or trust the sm. Imo the latter is more sensible given the time left

John (@guest_1903698)
September 2, 2024 09:13

Did your P2 have a biz card already? Mine does not so I can’t do the quiz to show them that offer when I SM.

Steve V
Steve V (@guest_1902685)
August 30, 2024 18:31

Probably a safe assumption that #5 will pan out? It’s probably only via the quiz until the referral bonus gets cut in half?

Steve V
Steve V (@guest_1902651)
August 30, 2024 17:12

I need another CIC as I’ve already maxed out the 25k/year.
I also have a 10 month old CIU I no longer use.
Would it make more sense to apply for this deal and then convert my old CIU to CIC?
Looks like there’s no hot deals for applying for a new CIC right now?

Karl (@guest_1902833)
August 31, 2024 02:09

Yes. They are easy to convert.

NateNate (@guest_1902647)
August 30, 2024 17:05

For the Ink Preferred offer match 100k—>120k, the secure message response was to message back once you met the spending requirement . But I won’t meet the requirement until after the 120k offer goes away. Will they still match it because I have the message and can reply to it.

Ali (@guest_1902688)
August 30, 2024 18:32

I would take a screenshot of the offer and also reference your message, but it shouldn’t be an issue.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob (@guest_1902772)
August 30, 2024 21:55

if you have it in writing and are within the time period of meeting the MSR you should be good. Just SM them when you are past the MSR.