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The Offer
- Simon Mall is offering a discount of 25% on the fees for Visa gift cards when you use the promo code NOVVG25 until November 30th. Discount applies on business orders only
The Fine Print
- Valid until November 30th, 2017
Our Verdict
I’m sure some of you got too excited when you saw the 25% discount, sadly this only applies to the fees which are $3.95 per card. Still a saving of $1 per card is great if you’re doing volume.
Hat tip to reader Curmudgeon
Tried to sign up for a volume account, got an auto deny email. not sure what their criteria are.
Are the Amex Cards any good?
The VGC I have are only 500.
Will i have to ask them for the 1000 VGC cards?
For those “DP” about getting banned how would Simon’s know if you drain a 1k card immediately? Do they monitor the cards actively? That would suck from a privacy perspective.
US Bank Altitude card holders…caveat emptor hehe….
FYI, business orders are monitored by MS nazis who WILL promptly shut down your entire account and ban you from future orders after they detect you using this for MS activity. Plenty of DPs on this over the past 4-5 years. They don’t care about MS done with in-store cards. This would be too good to be true otherwise, because they sell $1000 denomination GC
Thanks for the advice atxtravel.
Can you be a bit more specific about where those DPs are? Also, who will shut me down- my credit card issuer? Won’t just show up as Simon Mall- how will they know it wasn’t a purchase at the Mall, or at least that I bought VGCs? Why should they care more about this than in-store purchases? Any specific banks that are known to not like this, and others that will be okay? As mentioned above, I’m working on 3 different banks now 🙂
Thanks for your advice, much appreciated.
I have a business account with Simon. Upon approving the account I was told specifically that they monitor the $1000 cards and if they get drained immediately I would lose the ability to order $1000 cards in the future.
I’ve read, but have no personal experience, that they don’t care about the $500 cards nearly as much but are pretty touchy about the $1k cards.
Okay, so it’s Simon that shuts you down- that is far less concerning. If I plan to only buy these a few times, and not drain them until I’m buying, then I’m good. Besides which, I can wait to drain them for a couple of months- does that help? Or, do they need to see that it’s drained with “normal” purchases and not all in one shot- that will be more annoying.
How does one get approved for a business account with them? Is it possible to do this as a sole proprietor? I don’t really have any business documents to speak of.
I just checked and saw that if you apply for a biz account, you have to enter your SSN or ITIN as required. You cannot proceed unless you enter this info.
Thanks Mimi for the info.
I have no problem entering my SSN, as a sole proprietor, just like I do applying for business credit cards (though I’m assuming that here, they won’t do a credit pull since I’m not applying for credit). The real question is, if I need any other business documents to proceed, or if this can be done as a sole proprietor.
I tried last year to apply for a business account online as a sole proprietor but was denied. I remember the application process was pretty easy and simple so i was shocked that they sent me a deny letter without any explanation, simply “we can’t approve at this time.” I think i was trying to buy 3 $500 vgcs.
So would it work to just float the cards for a couple months? Are there any negative to being banned? Like if I get banned from this business online thing can I still buy regular Simon VGC at the physical location?
I suppose you could order $10k/day and stock up $100-200k then blow them all out at once.
You’d definitely get your business account closed with Simon. Not sure what else would happen. Try it and let us know! 😀
It’s Simon who will kill off your shopping account and won’t sell anymore. I don’t have exact links to DP reports since this was discovered long time ago and most regulars no longer bother even trying. I’m sure you can find it via google or on FT.
I have no personal experience doing this with $500 denominations, as that gives no advantage vs. just going to the store. I suppose you’ll get away with it once for the purposes of this promotion, but the shipping fees will probably eat away any savings you get on the cards.
not a real concern for most. why? cause good luck getting approved to buy $1k denoms esp w a “biz”
and to the guy who asked above: yes this code can be used at the mall as well. there are discount codes for AMEX GCs as well. plus my rep sent over free shipping/half off processing fee codes as well.
This can be used at a Simon Mall? Hmmmm. I’ll have to try this out.
Are those free ship/discounted processing codes specific to you, or can you share them? I’d be interested if you can share.
Is it safe to do one large purchase of these to meet a $3K Minimum Spend Requirement on a card that isn’t AMEX? I know there was a post earlier about AMEX now giving people problems with Simon, but I wasn’t sure if this was true for other banks. I have MSRs to meet with Bank of America (Merril Lynch card), Barclaycard Arrival Plus, and Chase (Marriot, CSR, CIP).
Thanks DOC!
You should be ok. Call the bank before the purchases to provide a spending notification to avoid fraud alerts and account freezes. Do not mention VGCs, instead say you will be making large purchases at the mall.
is this also available at simon locations?
Link to offer??
Can anyone place a “business” order?
You need a business account with Simon. Sign up here:
I think you need a legit business but not 100% sure.