Site Redesign 2.0 – Share Your Constructive Feedback

Last week we asked for your feedback on a new redesign for the site. We got a lot of useful feedback and have made a number of changes, we are again asking for more feedback. You can view the site redesign by clicking here. Here are some changes we made based on your feedback last time:

  • There is a toggleable button in the menu that will make the sides dark
  • We’ve added the green bars above posts on the home page to better break up the content
  • Categories now show on the home page
  • Comments are now sorted by newest first by default. You can still see the oldest comments first by clicking ‘oldest’.
  • Timestamp now includes the hour/minutes and not just the date
  • There is a ‘read more’ button at the end of the teaser text on the home page
  • Nest comments now go two additional levels deep

Again the sample design can be viewed by clicking here.

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Sexy_kitten7 (@guest_1323594)
January 30, 2022 15:53

I love your site. I find it annoying that I’m always clicking away by accident due to the menus “Home” “Credit Cards” etc. That is, when I move my cursor from the URL/bookmarks bar down to the Offer Link for example, it opens up Credit Cards -> Reference Pages and I end up clicking that. By the time I realize my mistake and click X, the page has already navigated away. This is a problem with every website from OMAAT to BoA. It seriously drives me nuts, especially as I’ll have 10+ tabs open and frequently jump between them when opening new accounts. Thanks for everything you guys do!

Anrank (@guest_995723)
June 10, 2020 14:38

Can you make the “Doctor of Credit” logo image in the top left into a link that takes you to the home page?

June 10, 2020 14:43

It already is, I think?

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_992749)
June 4, 2020 19:35

Not sure this is on the fix list… but when I tag people by typing the @ symbol while typing in the comment box, icon/gravatars are not showing up on the list that pops up. This is a new issue, since the site redesign. They do show up once the comment is submitted. The problem is it makes it impossible to tell who your tagging. (Actually, I just figured out a workaround, by using the people icon in the lower right, then searching from there, it works, but that involves taking hands off the keyboard, then typing, then clicking… I liked my way better)
 William Charles

bax (@guest_990959)
June 2, 2020 10:56

Need the old latest comments sidebar back, or somewhere (at the bottom). That was the only way I caught some lucrative regional deals that have been running on-and-off for years, after another poster commented in the thread and thus bumped it to my view. Now, such visibility is completely gone, without being able to see the newest comments.

JR (@guest_987365)
May 27, 2020 09:49

It looks like external links no longer open a new browser window, as they used to. I prefer that behavior to opening in the current window.

IS250 (@guest_986729)
May 26, 2020 08:43

Can we get a downvote/dislike/flag option for comments? I’ve seen so many comments that share blatantly wrong information, which in turn causes more confusion to readers who think it’s true.

Edit: Did a search and saw this was already requested in redesign 1.0. I guess my post is more a bump.

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_992744)
June 4, 2020 19:11

I wish there was something similar. Maybe like amazon, useful, not useful… instead of votes.

sg77 (@guest_986634)
May 26, 2020 01:16

The problem with comment links going to the wrong place seems to have gotten really bad today. About half the time, it goes to the bottom of the page or some other location, instead of going directly to the comment. If I reload the same link, sometimes it’ll go to the right place, sometimes not.

sg77 (@guest_986648)
May 26, 2020 01:44

Here’s an example: (should go to vc’s comment that mentions Pretty Woman). And your comment:

I see the problem in both Firefox & Chrome, on Windows 10.

sg77 (@guest_986803)
May 26, 2020 10:55

Did you try reloading multiple times? The problem doesn’t happen every time.

May 26, 2020 22:07

Works for me as well (on computer).

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_992800)
June 4, 2020 21:15

I have noticed this as well – links almost always brings you to wrong comment. I was going to mention it but assumed it was a known issue.

Links that point to comments below the “load more comments” often do not work at all, besides getting you to the right page.

Using Chome on Windows 10.

Fred (@guest_992829)
June 4, 2020 22:05

Yes, I have this problem too. Wanted to mention it but it’s difficult to explain. Anyway, usually I just have to scroll up one or two comments, but sometimes I can’t find it and I have to use ctrl-F. Anyway, I load (or reload) the More Recent Comments page and scroll up from the bottom, opening interesting comments in new tabs. Using Chrome in Windows 7.

Mike S
Mike S (@guest_986515)
May 25, 2020 21:18

was there another change to the amp site? Any chance it’s going back?

Mike S
Mike S (@guest_986723)
May 26, 2020 08:09

looks awesome thank you. Smoothest and easiest mobile view yet

Benjii (@guest_986347)
May 25, 2020 15:50

Has the ‘latest comments’ (or whatever it was called) section disappeared from the main site? Found this always useful

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_986593)
May 25, 2020 23:58

Can we get a blue color on the links in the comments section? Thank you.

Chris H
Chris H (@guest_985399)
May 23, 2020 10:06

Hey guys–I really like the new layout, but since the update I have trouble getting the site to show new posts on mobile. I have Chrome notifications on and will get a notification of a new post, but it won’t show up on the site for several hours. I can reload, but Chrome just doesn’t register a change. And the legacy mode doesn’t work (just goes to, so I just have to wait and reload again after a few hrs. This issue exactly coincided with the new site rollout, though it sounds like I might be the only one here. Seems most commenters are on desktop, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Chris H
Chris H (@guest_991548)
June 3, 2020 00:09

Thanks! It might make me a bad churner, but I never would’ve thought to incognito it!

Yaro (@guest_985599)
May 23, 2020 20:36

Try CTRL F5 in Chrome, it clears out the cache.

Chris H
Chris H (@guest_991549)
June 3, 2020 00:10

Thanks, Yaro! I’m on mobile most of the time, but I also didn’t know that, so thanks!