There are numerous reports of Staples gift cards being frozen, when you attempt to use an affected card you’ll receive the following error:
invalid information entered or card is expired or inactive
If you call Blackhawk (who issue the Staples gift cards) they will inform you that the gift card is frozen due to a technical glitch. Customer service reps have been stating that the issue will be resolved ‘tomorrow’ for more than a week. Currently it isn’t clear what cards are affected and why. Worth keeping in mind if your gift cards currently aren’t working, also probably a good idea to avoid purchasing second hand Staples cards until the issue is resolved. If this is affecting any of your Staples cards then let us know when you purchased the gift card and from where to see if we can narrow done what gift cards are affected.
Still not working for me. Affects both gift cards from Discover and a hard gift card purchased instore.
I had this problem with discover e certificate. Called staples and had the matter resolved. They combined my certificates into one staples gc which worked.
An eGC I purchased from a third party reseller site last month is still affected as of last night. Balance check on staples site works fine, shows balance, but it will not apply during checkout; have not tried in store. They need to fix this ish!
Bought one on mpx app two months ago, couldn’t check balance, not saying it’s $0 too, went to store earlier and clerk says there’s nothing on it, which isn’t true.
Anyone have resolution on this yet? I had 13 GCs redeemed from Discover with this issue. Will try to call Staples when I get a chance (1-800-338-0252 customer relations) and hopefully they can fix it?
All of my e-gift card issued by Staples via giftcardmall is affected, the physical card mailed from staples does not. In NY. Last check on the balance of my e-gift card was around Sept to Oct. 2017
5/3/18 the saga continues; gift card balance check shows a balance, but cannot use during checkout on the site…. hopefully resolved before end of Saturday, I got coupons to use! 🙂
Did it end up working or did you have to call in to fix it?
I called Staples’ Office of the President today (per the gift card representative I spoke with when I had the issue a few days ago), and they claimed it’s a system-wide issue with Staples store giftcards being down. They said the cards themselves still have their balance, and the issue is being worked on with no ETA. The stores have allegedly been informed of the issue now, so it will be less of a surprise to future customers than it was when I tried to use mine on Friday.
My staples gift are frozen, so I started to check my other giftcards I bought in 2016. They were frozen as well. I had 10 ebay gift cards i bought in 2016, 9 of them are frozen.
i am not gonna stock up on gc anymore….
Purchase a $20 Staples GC few weeks ago at Lowes (Amex offer) it is not working. Another one that I puchase Saturday Apr 28 is working
I had been trying to make a staples purchase for the past few days now and this explains why none of my gift cards are working. I know that they all still have balances on them. Gift cards were purchased late last year. All of them were purchased from amazon. I was hoping to have this resolved by tomorrow because I need to use my $10 settlement reward by 4/30 but it looks like I won’t be able to use the gift cards by then. They are all physical cards too, no e-gift cards here. Also, I signed up for staples text messages, and they gave me a $5/$25 coupon, but when I tried applying it to a qualifying order, the website told me that they couldn’t find the coupon code in their system. Not really sure of what is going on with staples at this point.
I bought a egift card from mid December and tried to use it this past week getting those messages. Eventually I was told that Staples was having technical issues processing any Staples gift cards (that was five days ago). So the problem is not just related to Blackhawk cards.
That explains. I was able to use some of my cards last week but not able to use any since last few days.