A Spreadsheet of Current & Recent Credit Card Signup Bonuses for Major Issuers

Update, March 13, 2017: I have created several filter views that you can use with the view-only link to the spreadsheet: “Personal Only”, “Business Only”, “No AF”, “No AF or AF Waived”, “Minimum Spend < $500”, “Minimum Spend < $1,000”, “Minimum Spend < $2,000”, “Minimum Spend < $4,000”, and “Minimum Spend > $3,000”. They can be accessed by clicking the “Filter views…” button to the left of “View Only”, or by going to Data > Filter views… > {select filter}. You can also create your own temporary filters using those menus.

Direct link to spreadsheet.

Piggybacking on Will’s post about the actual best offer on the American Express Platinum, I’d like to present an item I’ve been working on for a little while: a spreadsheet with current & recent credit card signup bonuses. It’s based off the “Current credit card offers” spreadsheet linked in the r/churning sidebar, which is a fantastic resource, but something that I felt needed a serious reworking.

The purpose of this spreadsheet is purely to record signup bonus information (defined loosely to include almost any item with a time limit stemming from card approval, but not recurring). As such, the intention is for it to be but one component of deciding what card to apply for—with particular focus on whether or not you are applying for the best offer once you’ve decided on a card.

Direct link to spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet is mostly self-explanatory. “Current Public Offer” is the current offer you would see if you went to an issuer’s website. Whether it is the “Best Publicly Available” is indicated by a conditionally formatted Y/N cell, which – if no – will contain a note pointing out what the best publicly available offer is and how to get to it. “Best Offer #1” & “Best Offer #2” are the recent best signup bonuses on the cards (last ~2 years); within these two headers is a “Code” indicating the channel by which the signup bonus was offered (explained in full using a note). Notes are used in many places to indicate useful information (for example, the fact that the $50 bonus on the Gold Delta is a statement credit after a Delta purchase in the first 3 months).

Credit Card Offers Spreadsheet

a sneak peek of the first few rows & columns

Suggestions, corrections, and anything else can be dropped in the comments below!

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Talchinksy (@guest_1953613)
November 17, 2024 20:18

I think you’re missing Chase Quest? And based on comments now looks to me like this isn’t being updated any more? 🙁

William Charles
November 17, 2024 20:28

Yeah we aren’t, a contributor used to keep it updated and they are no longer with the site. It didn’t get much use based on how time consuming it is to keep updated.

rj123456 (@guest_1352308)
March 23, 2022 16:35

This is fantastic, but too bad it isn’t updated

Bbates728 (@guest_998819)
June 15, 2020 23:35

This has been an amazing resource. Is it still being updated?

June 16, 2020 00:02

I don’t think it’s been updated, recently.

justmeha (@guest_1010597)
July 6, 2020 09:25

if so uscreditcardguide.com has a pretty good history chart for credit cards in each card page

justmeha (@guest_844173)
November 17, 2019 03:26

and its high time for a update of this awesome resource

security (@guest_852552)
December 3, 2019 11:50

Agreed.  sirtheta

Terry (@guest_819720)
October 6, 2019 18:38

I was just on the Hilton site looking for the Hilton Business card and see 130,000 pts and $3000 spend. The speadsheet says 100,000 and $4000.

MoreSun (@guest_793035)
August 2, 2019 20:02

“Meet and great with an IRS agent” “McCafe Pumpkin Spice Latte” Am. Dying.

c (@guest_791392)
July 30, 2019 18:23

is this up to date??

Chris (@guest_783497)
July 15, 2019 22:09


The Capital One Savor Dining Rewards card has changed from $150 bonus/$500 spend to $300 bonus/$3000 spend.

July 15, 2019 23:43

The Savor changed from $500 to $300. The SavorOne was and still is $150.

Chris (@guest_783493)
July 15, 2019 22:04


The BoA Cash Rewards card has changed from $150 bonus/$500 spend to $200 bonus/$1000 spend.

Chris (@guest_783491)
July 15, 2019 22:02


The US Bank Business Edge Cash Rewards card has changed from $200 bonus/$1000 spend to $500 bonus/$4500 spend.