[Expired] Starbucks: $20 Giftcard For $15 When You Use A Mastercard

The Offer

No direct link, shows in the inbox of Starbucks app

  • Starbucks is offering a $5 bonus eGiftcard when you send a $15 Starbucks giftcard and use a Mastercard to pay

The Fine Print

  • Limit 1

Our Verdict

You can send the gift card to yourself as well. Select ‘other’ amount to send exactly $15.

Hat tip to Dans Deals

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Carl (@guest_1079294)
October 26, 2020 10:33

It seems this ended on the 22nd: https://www.starbucks.com/terms/mastercard-promo

Panos (@guest_1076414)
October 20, 2020 19:51

Offer didn’t show up in my account, either app or online.
I bought a $15 using a Mastercard anyway and I got the $5 gift card as well.

Catapult (@guest_1076270)
October 20, 2020 15:56

Used the BofA MasterCard to trigger the “stars” cashback. Helpful for those hunting those stars

Millennial Outrage
Millennial Outrage (@guest_1076247)
October 20, 2020 15:25

Completed with PayPal Key just now – $15 and $5 giftcard emails from Starbucks/CashStar were near instant.

2nd Mouse
2nd Mouse (@guest_1076232)
October 20, 2020 15:02

Targeted? Nothing in my app inbox.

ben sim
ben sim (@guest_1076228)
October 20, 2020 14:55

Do I have to buy the $15 card using the buy now button in the picture in DOC’s post to get the $5 gift card, or can I just buy the $15 gift card in the gift cards section and still get the $5 card?

Catapult (@guest_1076272)
October 20, 2020 15:59

The buy now button just takes you to the gift card section

ben sim
ben sim (@guest_1076310)
October 20, 2020 16:41

@catapult thanks. It is targetted then, right?

mary w
mary w (@guest_1076207)
October 20, 2020 14:29

Worked for me. I used Citi Double Cash card and an alternate email address. Got both the $15 and $5 immediately.

Katie Hernandez
Katie Hernandez (@guest_1076202)
October 20, 2020 14:25

I keep just getting a “something went wrong on our end”. Using a MC, tried app, website, mobile browser. Password is correct, tried 2 different cards. Tried to freshly load a new one and also getting a “something wrong” issue. Anyone have any suggestions? This happened on the last promo as well; I have even tried different email addresses as well.

raekwon (@guest_1076192)
October 20, 2020 14:09

Fine print @ http://starbucks.com/mcofferterms

(Originally copied and pasted it here but it ended up looking like trash.)

localnonprofit (@guest_1076189)
October 20, 2020 14:06

Used US Bank Biz Leverage Visa through Paypal Key, sent $15 to colleague, got $5 email already.