The Offer
- Steak ‘n Shake is offering free potato chips cooked to order from midnight to 5am, no purchase is required.
Our Verdict
Good deal for those awake at these times, for more free food deals click here. Steak n shake also has a free cheeseburger and fries deal (might need to spend $1 on that one tho).
Hat tip to reader Celia
I looked at your List Of Free Food Opportunities and was shocked to see what kind of “food” is listed. Processed, sugary, fatty etc. Everything that will land you in ICU.
If you care about the health of your readers, you should stop promoting this.
There are people that are struggling and their choice is processed, sugary, fatty food or no food at all. They’re not promoting, they’re putting it out there for those who may need it. I could have used a list like that when I had to choose between paying a bill and eating.
All of these post are information. It’s the readers who can decide if they choose to use that information to benefit them or not. If it’s not useful to you or in this case not your cup of tea then there’s no need to comment
I completely disagree. 100% of the people who will use these promotions they read here can afford and should be buying healthier choices. We have zero education about what is good for us and we are bombarded by big money to get addicted so they can profit from us. And of course these should not be promoted to the poor who sadly are the major victims.
The government does nothing to protect us against this one side relentless bombartment.
This food is as bad as cigarettes and should be marketed the same way.
While I agree that there is little education on nutrition, much like little education on basic finances, I disagree that 100% of people who use the promos can afford healthier choices. It’s probably a high percentage, but not 100%.
People are people, they will eat the wrong stuff, they’ll smoke, they’ll overpay, overborrow, etc. It’s their choice, as it would be if they were complete health nuts. And they will live with those choices, personal responsibility. What’s the old adage? You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
Except this behavior puts a strain on our health care system. If we all use the ‘people are people’ logic, then why do we have a Surgeon General and legislation that cautions and limits toxic consumer products?
Hi Harry,
I’d be happy to list some free food options that are healthier. You might be in the lucky position that you can afford healthier options, but even bad food is better than no food.