Stop&Shop/Giant/Martin’s: $15 Shopping Voucher or 5x Fuel Points Gift Cards Offers

Deal has expired, view more Stop&Shop deals here.

The Offer

Stop&ShopGiantMartin’s (ad page 9)

  • Giant, S&S, Martin’s are offering either a $15 shopping voucher with $100 gift card purchase or 5x on gift card purchases. Select gift cards only:
    • Best Buy
    • Home Depot
    • iTunes
    • Kohl’s
    • Staples
    • Bass Pro Shops
    • Ruby Tuesday
    • Domino’s
    • Foot Locker
    • GAP
    • Sephora
    • XBox
    • Macy’s

The Fine Print

  • Valid 8/10-8/23
  • Must use store card to get this offer
  • $15 offer will print on receipt

Our Verdict

Check your store to see which offer you have. Interestingly, on page 1 of the ad it shows a separate deal to get a $5 grocery discount with $25 XBOX or Fandango gift card purchase. I guess both XBox deals can stack on the same purchase.

Hat tip to Milestomemories

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HarryTheFirstHarry (@guest_628744)
August 12, 2018 15:45

did not work on 2x$50 HD GCs. Worked on single $100 HD GC. Never this way in the past.Was able to use $15 GC on $15.5 groceries same day.

Katie (@guest_628609)
August 11, 2018 14:17

I tried in NJ, $15 coupon works on $15.26 worth of grocery for me. Also, does anyone know if we can get the $15 coupon multiple times?

Audrey (@guest_629433)
August 14, 2018 19:24

As per the language on the receipt (typical of last few such deals) you can do it 10 times per household.

vk88 (@guest_628539)
August 10, 2018 19:02

C’mon S&S bring the Visa/Mastercard deals back! Paying full price for gas sucks

Jay (@guest_628446)
August 10, 2018 11:04

BTW at least in my Stop & Shop (MA) the $15 voucher requires a $20 minimum purchase to redeem so it’s really a $15 off $20. This is per the voucher that I got this morning.

Mommy RMD
Mommy RMD (@guest_628587)
August 11, 2018 09:44

The voucher I got yesterday had the same language but when we used it to buy $16 worth of grocery items — the coupon still took the $15 off. This was in Brooklyn, NY.

Kyle (@guest_628411)
August 10, 2018 08:47

Both BB and Home Depot have fixed their systems so you can no longer buy GC’s with their store GC’s, right?

Jay (@guest_628445)
August 10, 2018 11:02

Don’t think BB has. I think Home Depot is hardcoded against buying GC with GC but not 100% sure.

Kyle Shanahan
Kyle Shanahan (@guest_628479)
August 10, 2018 13:30

seriously, who would tell you that even if it was true? it would be dead in hours

Iahphx (@guest_628486)
August 10, 2018 14:00

it has been discussed for years in forums like this. Best Buy is now dead, I don’t know about Home Depot.