Swagbucks: Coinmaster – Get Level 20 & Get 4,000 Points ($40)

Update 4/2/23: Offer has increased to 4,000/$40 now on Swagbucks at this link. You now need to get to Level 20. (Similar offer on MyPoints for 6,800/$43.)

The Offer

  • Swagbucks is offering 2,000 points (worth $20) when you get to level 7 in Coinmaster game game.
  • Update 10/20/20: Also available on MyPoints (Worth $30)

Our Verdict

This site gives you a list of links for free coins/spins that will help you reach the level faster. If you’re new to Swagbucks, please read our review. You can also get a bonus of up to $13 by using a referral link.

Hat tip to r/swagbucks

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John (@guest_1594736)
April 10, 2023 16:48

I was able to do this in about 1.5 – 2 hours. Bought x2 $5 packs. Easily made it to level 21.

John (@guest_1594743)
April 10, 2023 16:53

Went into pending right away:
Completed Coin Master Village Level 20 (Credits in 14 days) 6,800 PTS

Jeff (@guest_1591334)
April 4, 2023 10:48

Just completed this. It pends when you reach Level 21, not when you reach Level 20 (Update  William Charles ). I had to spend a total of $13 + tax on different coins/spins packs ($2 + $6 + $5). Completing this in 4 days without spending any money seems pretty impossible to me, although I know some people get luckier with spins and bonuses. I did all the free spins google/social media links everyday. With spending the $13, I got to Level 21 in a day and a half. Good news is there’s an extra $15 (1,500 swagbucks) bonus that posts immediately for Coinmaster. This is not advertised. So $55 payout – $13 spent = ~$42 profit. Hope this helps

Harry (@guest_1591307)
April 4, 2023 09:33

I get level 20 on the second day without any money spend, Maybe I am lucky, but the sb haven’t pend yet 🙁

Jeff (@guest_1591336)
April 4, 2023 10:52

Pends at Level 21, not 20. Harry

Harry (@guest_1591851)
April 5, 2023 09:26

Thanks, I reached level 38 on day 3. Still not pending. I guess I have to open a ticket. How can I prove I reach level 20 within 4 days …

viper_z (@guest_1591991)
April 5, 2023 13:04

wait a bit. reached level 21 and after a day it got pending

snailrock (@guest_1590907)
April 3, 2023 17:02

Ok, I just did this PTW twice as an experiment, so here are my thoughts.
1. The first time it took me ? hours (not crazy long) and i bought one 4.99 pack from the store, a 5.99 “big boost mission pack” the second time they offered it to me when I ran out of spins (level 9; the pack offered got bigger+pricier on higher levels the other play), a 1.99 small spins pack, and a 1.99 small coins pack for $14.96 total pre-tax and pre-gift card discount. 50m coin+175 spins+15k pet XP / 60m(40m the first offer)+240+10k for the 4.99 and 5.99 packs respectively. (Also I linked to FB for the bonus)
2 . The 2nd time it took be 3 hrs 20 min timed (watching something else in the background) and I bought two 4.99 packs from the store, the 4.99 “Village 10 Achievement Pack”, and a 3.99 coins pack they offered me when I ran out of coins building at the very end. I was going for speed, so I bought packs preemptively so I had a larger cushion of spins to use the multiplier on (I arbitrarily decided on leaving at least 100 turns, so 2x at 200, 3x at 300). Similar numbers for the 4.99s, about 14k coins for the 3.99. I was trying to get it all done in one shot to avoid finding all my coins and buildings the next day had been raided with paltry daily coins/spins and all of the good packs timed out.

It did not pend early. Overall, I’d suggest doing this offer for a much lower level with a lower payout; level 7 you might even be able to do FTP coasting on the initial bank of daily free spins and coins (google ‘coinmaster links’ or something and find a website that’s compiled them, then click through all of the ones they have; there’ll be a couple live ones buried in the dead ones), or at least buying a single highly-saturated pack. Even level 12 would probably have been about the same payout PTW for much less time.

TDD (@guest_1590394)
April 2, 2023 20:58

Level 20? Yeah, that is near impossible in 4 days. It took me a week to do level 9! Maybe the game has become more favorable, I can’t say since I last played 2 years ago. But its not player friendly, even with the bonus spins and coins from facebook.

Indy (@guest_1590396)
April 2, 2023 21:09

Oh damn level 20 in 4 days? They only give you 4?! Does it not reward earlier? I keep reminding myself NOT to do Swagbucks anymore. FML

Hattrick (@guest_1590420)
April 2, 2023 22:20

I was able to get to level 8 in about an hour, but I used up all the links at the site posted under the “our verdict” section on this page. Not sure how to get to 20 in the rest of the allotted time though. I do notice that most games post as pending on SW when you get close to the level required so may be possible with a few purchases of energy which I hate doing since it cuts into the offer amount.

viper_z (@guest_1591996)
April 5, 2023 13:08

possible, spending money(maybe without), and inviting fake Facebook friends. 1 person per device. Used p2 phone, old iPhone 6s, iPad and Mac m1. Each device allows to create 1-2 facebook users until “verification” but only one device counts as an invite in the game so the game tracks MAC address or some ID of device.
anyway, starter packs with colossal discount for the first time really help.
I’ve spent a lot – around $24 but reached 20lvl in less than 1.5 days and after reaching 21lvl got pending in 12h

Davis (@guest_1375073)
May 2, 2022 15:53

Now pays out upon reaching Level 12

V R (@guest_1590789)
April 3, 2023 13:36

is this still the case? I am seeing people on Reddit saying level 7, 10 or even 20 until it pends, all in 2022, but haven’t seen a more recent DP

Alex (@guest_1590792)
April 3, 2023 13:41

Not level 7.. reached it yesterday and nothing

Budget Jetsetter
Budget Jetsetter (@guest_1095277)
November 21, 2020 14:25

It’s level 10 now.

mark (@guest_1079331)
October 26, 2020 12:00

what a silly game! completed level 7 in 3 days and got confirmation email from swagbucks and points pending.

Doggo (@guest_1078989)
October 25, 2020 16:31

Any way to open a ticket with revu directly? Swagbucks isn’t letting me open a ticket (making me wait).

“We rely on getting details about your offers from our partners. It generally takes 2 to 7 days (and sometimes longer) for them to give us the information.

Please check back in a few days. If your order doesn’t show as pending by then, please contact us.”

Davis (@guest_1079068)
October 25, 2020 19:15

Yes the support icon in the top right of the RevU sub window

Eric (@guest_1077557)
October 22, 2020 13:10

Once completing L7 I immediately received an email from swagbucks letting me it’s completed and points appeared in pending.

Nick (@guest_1077654)
October 22, 2020 15:34

Alright then, wasted my time for nothing. Uninstalled.

Doggo (@guest_1077894)
October 23, 2020 00:50

you not gonna open a ticket?