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meathead (@guest_1578191)
March 16, 2023 11:44

The deal above may be expired but SoFi is offering a $250 sign up bonus now.

Dink (@guest_1467984)
October 18, 2022 08:36

Are there any accounts, like chime that they consider a direct deposit? I’m self employed and don’t get normal direct deposits like most people. Thanks!

Paul Demingue
Paul Demingue (@guest_1455871)
September 30, 2022 19:37

Just saw live back on swagbucks and my points! Looks like SoFi is giving a bonus too on their end + the points from swag / my points. SOLID deal

David P
David P (@guest_1455657)
September 30, 2022 15:42

Back at $200 on swagbucks

pk (@guest_1409899)
July 16, 2022 04:20

Swagbucks is a fraud and scam. They are refusing to honor the $175 even with screenshots. They claim there is no record in their shopping log. There was but it never showed as completed, now they deleted it so it isn’t there. They’ve also done this with other offers. I’ve had similar issues with Rakuten but after filing tickets with them they usually honor it.

Neither is worth it if I have to file tickets for every offer. I did receive the Sofi offer and it was painless and the account is pretty nice.

I’m deleting the swagbucks plug in now. Con artists.

Kate (@guest_1374592)
May 1, 2022 13:52

Did anyone use Astra for this and successfully have it code as a DD?

JS (@guest_1370970)
April 22, 2022 22:32

Deal is dead

Alex (@guest_1364917)
April 14, 2022 08:51

I funded my account with $10 when opened the SOFI account, plan to do DD later, I think as long as you are doing DD over$200, you will get the bonus? or it is not?

Declan Connely
Declan Connely (@guest_1360815)
April 9, 2022 00:14

I see the $175 + $300 is now possible.

Does anyone know if PNC or Wells Fargo ACH triggers DD requirements for Sofi Checking/Savings?

I saw on those 2 on the list for “Sofi Invest” but wondering if it’s the same, and if anyone has any recent DP.

The wording for DD requirement sounded pretty strict for this bonus.

CJK (@guest_1359218)
April 5, 2022 21:07

How do I get the Swagbucks? I clicked through the link and applied to the offer. I’ve never used swagbucks and don’t have an account. Was I supposed to have signed up on Swagbucks first?

Declan Connely
Declan Connely (@guest_1360800)
April 8, 2022 23:18

Yeah, before opening the bank account: Download the Swagbucks app, sign up and log in. Search in Swagbucks app for the bank offer, take a lot of screenshots, and follow the instructions exactly to open the account through Swagbucks