T-Mobile Data Breach: 37 Million Customers Impacted

T-Mobile has confirmed that it has suffered a data breach and 37 million customers have been impacted. The following information was accessed between November 25, 2022 and January 5, 2023:

  • name
  • billing address
  • email, phone number
  • date of birth
  • account numbers
  • Information such as the number of lines on the account and service plan features

The following information was not accessed:

  • passwords
  • payment card information
  • social security numbers
  • government ID numbers or other financial account information were compromised

T-Mobile does their best to minimize this breach by saying the information accessed was widely available marketing databases or directories, but this isn’t the first time T-Mobile systems have been accessed by breaches.

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Babblespeak (@guest_1540975)
January 24, 2023 12:29

I was slammed over to T-Mobile from Sprint 3 months ago. My bill went up by $20/mo because their system supposedly couldn’t handle one of my Sprint discounts (total lie that bills wouldn’t change), and now when I log in I see my data was stolen. Garbage company. Total crap.

TheBlindLife (@guest_1540844)
January 24, 2023 10:01

I just received mail a few months ago with class settlement info, for application years ago. Switched to T-Mobile in September 2022, and notified with banner that I’m included in this one. Thankfully I keep credit frozen. It’s fools like these that keep it frozen.Time to give them a multi-billion dollar fine they won’t soon forget. Along with making executives financially responsible. Bar would be too high to prove criminal responsibility.

googlre10 (@guest_1540829)
January 24, 2023 09:33

tmo is constantly hacked for data breaches. What kind of security platform have they built?

NoFi (@guest_1540550)
January 23, 2023 19:24

Another day, another breach

Celia (@guest_1540532)
January 23, 2023 18:47

So a third of their subscribers were affected. Are they planning on notifying those that were affected or should we assume that we were? And they weren’t clear if it was only current subscribers.

Judging by some comments about getting more spam calls, I’ll hold out a tiny hope that I wasn’t one of the affected ones as my spam calls have decreased every month. But I’m sure it’s false hope 🙁

Wave (@guest_1540546)
January 23, 2023 19:13

I think affected customers will see a banner at the top when logging in on the app or browser, and it would also mention it in a future statement.

I’m not sure if subscribers means number of lines or number of accounts. Hard to believe there are 100mil+ accounts, so I’m going to assume that’s total lines. With 37 million accounts affected, I’m going to say that’s about all accounts, which comes out to roughly 3 lines subscribers/lines per account.

Ostrich Rider
Ostrich Rider (@guest_1540584)
January 23, 2023 20:18

I was notified by snail mail. I don’t even have an account with them. I checked their cell plans and phone prices at a physical location about 10 years ago, or so. So now we all know that they NEVER get rid of your data!
Edit: I just realized this is a NEW Breech! I was commenting on the Last One! Sorry.

Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Harcourt Fenton Mudd (@guest_1540899)
January 24, 2023 11:15

I see the banner when I log in.

mangorunner (@guest_1541651)
January 25, 2023 10:44

Anyone have a screenshot of the banner?

Ssss (@guest_1540523)
January 23, 2023 18:34

I am receiving a dramatic increase in spam calls.

Howard (@guest_1541129)
January 24, 2023 16:22

Spam text as well, saying congratulations on the settlement click here to collect?

Edwin A
Edwin A (@guest_1540514)
January 23, 2023 18:14

“Another One!” in DJ Khalid’s voice

Wave (@guest_1540510)
January 23, 2023 18:05

Joined in the summer several months after the previous data breach. Thought maybe they beefed up their security and that new customers would be at least safe for more than half a year, but I guess not.

Sam (@guest_1540465)
January 23, 2023 16:47

ugh I just switched to t-mobile

rocky_nnc (@guest_1540436)
January 23, 2023 16:06

We have been getting CDC calls lately and today someone called and telling us they delivered gift cards & credit cards at our 6 year old address. I was like woah, that is creepy AF