[Expired] T-Mobile: Free Popeyes Chicken Sandwich + 2pc Chicken On 8/4/20

Deal has ended, view more T-Mobile deals by clicking here.

The Offer

The Fine Print

  • Goes live 8/4/20

Our Verdict

Fingers crossed it actually works this time. Honestly this freebie sounds a little bit too good to be true, probably need to spend $10.

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Jason (@guest_1022743)
July 24, 2020 18:20

Hey T-Mobile, how about saving your cash on Tuesday offers and (better yet) wasting marketing dollars on your 5G commercials and instead get your 4G working normally in Los Angeles. It’s 2020 and I still can’t use your service without broken up voice calls and extremely slow data indoors. And I’m not even in the boonies but instead in a well to-do part of LA.

Here’s a new marketing pitch: T-Mobile, the wireless carrier for the outdoors because it doesn’t work well inside walls.

Dan (@guest_1022867)
July 24, 2020 22:21

Surely TMobile is looking at this thread and will answer your request.

Derek (@guest_1023849)
July 26, 2020 19:38

Thanks for the insightful contribution, Captain Obvious.

Alex Bad
Alex Bad (@guest_1022197)
July 23, 2020 23:08

Anyone know if you get the hotspot for 30 day trial, do you also get access to the T-mobile tuesday offers?

Mike B.
Mike B. (@guest_1022369)
July 24, 2020 10:09

I can’t imagine so. I had to put in my T-Mobile/Sprint phone number in order to gain access to the offers.

Billy Bob
Billy Bob (@guest_1022181)
July 23, 2020 22:48

Someone will get the code for my sandwich regardless — just can’t eat those things.

Eugene (@guest_1022115)
July 23, 2020 20:50

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Kevin (@guest_1022140)
July 23, 2020 21:34

“Fool me once, strike one. But fool me twice…strike three.” -Michael Scott

Andrew K
Andrew K (@guest_1022342)
July 24, 2020 09:02

There’s an old saying at Popeyes — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Popeyes — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

Roronoa (@guest_1022106)
July 23, 2020 20:44

It’ll probably be like the last time they had this promotion where you’ll have to buy $10 in order to get those items for free.

Davie (@guest_1022087)
July 23, 2020 20:27

Welp, time to switch service providers and git sum chikon!

qmc (@guest_1022086)
July 23, 2020 20:26

ugh app registration required.

EDIT: the website looks a lot like bk, so I’m guessing some of the same issues people have with bk is going to be the same for popeyes.

Rep (@guest_1022185)
July 23, 2020 22:53

BK and Popeyes are owned by the same company now. So it’s very very likely just the same app just swapped products and logo

qmc (@guest_1022298)
July 24, 2020 04:10

welp, learned something new today, thanks.

“Formed in 2014 by the $12.5 billion merger between US fast food restaurant chain Burger King and Canadian coffee shop and restaurant chain Tim Hortons […]”