The Offer
Every Tuesday T-Mobile offers their customers a range of freebies, this week they are:
- $2 Baskin Robins Promo Card
- Baskin-Robbins BOGO 99¢ Sundae
- Free Halloween movie rental from Vudu
- Free 10 4X6 Prints from Walgreens
- 20% off hotels with Hotelstorm
- Receive 20% off all My Little Pony toys when you use the Cartwheel app in the Target store. Available in-store only.
You also have the chance to win a trip to London by tagging your Halloween Costumes on Twitter with: #Thankenstein #Contest.
Our Verdict
Some of these can be useful. As always, feel free to give away or trade your freebies/discounts in the comments Please do not ask for freebies as it just clutters the post.
BR Card
6149 4704 2017 4276
PIN: 92231883
please comment after~
BR card used. Thanks Tim!
BR card used. Thanks Chay!
Anyone interested can use the following codes.
BR 2$ code: 6149 4796 1009 3159
Pin: 85356451
Please comments if you have used it so that others can stop trying..Thanks!!
BR card used. Thanks Chay!
I used JL’s vudu code. I’ll pay it forward with BR $2 code:
Pin: 99014249
Used your card, thank you!
I’ll pay forward with my VUDU code too:
BR $2: #6149 4786 8913 8842 Pin: 64674643
Please comment below if you used it.
Used your BR card. Thanks so much!
I wasn’t able to add to DDPerks App but was able to add to Baskin Robbins app.
Can anyone confirm they can add the baskin card to their dd perks account? Mine are not working for some reason.
I am not able to add to my DD either
Mine isn’t either. Says the card is not activated.
Note that the BR credit CAN be used at Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins combo locations.
Only the combo locations or also at separate Dunkin locations?
Hi Doc, the title of the post is from last week.
Does the BR GC work at Dunkin?
Yes, it does.
Fixed, thanks