Update 8/15/21: Readers in the comments report that the new Citi virtual account number (VAN) system is now live. Update 8/11/21: These changes are due to go live within the next week and include being able to use it in app. Update... Read More →
Tag - virtual account numbers
Capital One Testing ‘Binding’ Pilot With Virtual Card Numbers (Limit Card To One Merchant)
Capital One is piloting a new feature for virtual card numbers (VCNs) called ‘binding’. Binding is where a a specific VCN is binded to a specific merchant meaning it can only be used at that merchant. Capital One added... Read More →
Citi Readds Virtual Account Numbers (VAN) For American Airlines Cards
Since at least 2015 Citi has offered the ability to generate virtual account numbers for Citi credit cards. These are useful for a variety of reasons such as: Read More →
American Express To Offer Virtual Account Numbers For More Business Cardholders
American Express used to offer Virtual Account Numbers to cardholders, but that program ended in 2004. For some time Corporate cardholders have been able to generate these through American Express Go. One DoC reader was recently... Read More →
Citi Updates Virtual Account Numbers Page, No Longer Uses Flash
In May Citi removed the ability to generate virtual account numbers for American Airlines cardholders. There was some concern that these would be removed entirely for all cards. Today Citi has actually made an improvement to Virtual... Read More →