[Expired] [Targeted] AA SimplyMiles: Spend $45 At CVS & Earn 250 – 1,000 AA Miles

Deal has ended, view more SimplyMiles deals by clicking here. 

Update 3/6/21: Deal is back and valid until April 30, 2021. Hat tip to GC Galore

Update 1/8/21: Deal is back and valid until 02/28/2021.

Update 10/2/20: Deal is back and valid until 11/30.

The Offer

Direct link to offer (log in and it should show)

  • Spend $45+ at CVS with a Mastercard linked to your SimplyMiles account & earn 250, 500 or 1,000 bonus American Airlines AAdvantage miles

The Fine Print

  • Valid online and in store
  • Expires November 30, 2020
  • Not valid for gift card, e-gift card, or corporate gift card purchases.
  • Offer not valid at outlet locations.

Our Verdict

For more information on the Simply Miles program click here. Not a bad offer if you need to spend money at CVS anyway.

Hat tip to GC Galore

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CF Panda
CF Panda (@guest_1155101)
March 6, 2021 18:41

My offer is actually 750 miles, so add that to possible offers. Worked on Annual Carepass last time I did it.

Black-owned (@guest_1155083)
March 6, 2021 17:59

Will it stack with the $10 off $20 in PayPal pay by QR code?

Bruce (@guest_1124411)
January 8, 2021 16:33

I got the 1,000 miles for me and 500 miles for my wife.

Question: What happens if I link the same MasterCard to both of our accounts? Does anyone know if this can this be done and, if so, which credit will post?

Jon (@guest_1155109)
March 6, 2021 19:01

It can be done (I tried), but the credits only posted to one of the two accounts.

Eric (@guest_1124388)
January 8, 2021 15:59

750 for me this time

H-Bomb (@guest_1067088)
October 3, 2020 01:23

No CVS on mine, but I do have 4500 for Identity Guard. Stacks well with 2250 Swagbucks offer.

RB (@guest_1072351)
October 13, 2020 12:56

H-Bomb Did you click through directly from Simplymiles or just using the linked card would track for the identity guard offer on Simplymiles while going through Swagbucks? Also, while going through Swagbucks the cheapest monthly plan I see is the Total plan for $15.99/month and it will take 32 days for Swagbucks to credit. That would mean paying for 2 months?

H-Bomb (@guest_1072369)
October 13, 2020 13:27

Simplymiles offer states: “Earn 4,500 miles when you sign up for a new Identity Guard membership using the card associated with this account.” Swagbucks is based on clickthrough. We’ll wait and see what tracks.

>Also, while going through Swagbucks the cheapest monthly plan I see is the Total plan for $15.99/month and it will take 32 days for Swagbucks to credit. That would mean paying for 2 months?

Looks that way to me. Still a moneymaker IF the Simplymiles tracks.

RB (@guest_1072376)
October 13, 2020 13:35

H-Bomb Did you already complete yours? Are you still waiting for Swagbucks and Simplymiles to track? Are you going to pay for a 2nd month as SB says 32 days to credit?

H-Bomb (@guest_1072378)
October 13, 2020 13:43

Not yet, was gonna try it this week.

RB (@guest_1072380)
October 13, 2020 13:47

H-Bomb If you do try, please post how it went.

RB (@guest_1077222)
October 21, 2020 20:38

H-Bomb Were you able complete the Identity Guard offer on Swagbucks? If so, did it also track on SimplyMiles?

H-Bomb (@guest_1124382)
January 8, 2021 15:50

Update on this: it tracked on Swagbucks but not on SimplyMiles. The good news is that IdentityGuard had no problem refunding the second month after I complained about it.

RB (@guest_1124387)
January 8, 2021 15:58

H-Bomb I did for P1 and P2. Everything worked fine on both Swagbucks and Simplymiles end. For P1, after enrolling with Identity Guard, I downgraded the service within 2-3 weeks. They gave a refund back to my credit card. But with P2, after enrolling , after 1 week I downgraded to the lowest cost plan. But instead of giving a credit back on the credit card, they just gave a Identity guard credit.

Aloha808 (@guest_1067049)
October 2, 2020 23:56

Bought an Amazon GC at CVS the first time around……… and finally Credited with the miles 3 weeks later. Interestingly got an extra 250 for the same purchase as well.

Kent (@guest_1124409)
January 8, 2021 16:31

Do you remember if the terms of the offer back then excluded GCs? I find CVS is generally so overpriced I don’t know what I’d use this on other than GCs, which the current terms say are excluded.

EastsideBK (@guest_1124547)
January 8, 2021 21:30

CVS can be a great deal if you stack coupons….that’s the key to this deal.

Dugroz Reports
Dugroz Reports (@guest_1125175)
January 10, 2021 21:58

Last time I did it I also bought Amazon GC’s, and the offer said it excludes gift cards, but I got the miles anyway.

Stacking Points
Stacking Points (@guest_1066984)
October 2, 2020 21:01

Was targeted the first time around, but not this time.

jeph36 (@guest_1066942)
October 2, 2020 19:16

This regularly reoccurring CVS offer was one reason I was slightly excited to see the Freedom Flex change to an MC. Now I can earn 3x UR, 750 AA miles (for me this round), plus 5% up to $5 using Payce. Small win for sure, but a pretty easy one with good return.

qmc (@guest_1124472)
January 8, 2021 18:04

they don’t only work with mastercards though?

lilurbanachiever (@guest_1066939)
October 2, 2020 19:05

Surprisingly it worked, miles credit within weeks. Thanks. But no 2nd time for me.

lilurbanachiever (@guest_1071857)
October 12, 2020 15:54

Actually the 250 miles offer reappeared on my account.

Andy (@guest_1052906)
September 11, 2020 17:34

I see the offer in my account, account created within the past few days.