The Offer
- Spend $20+ at and receive a $20 statement credit
The Fine Print
- This is a targeted American Express offer and as such must appear in your account. It cannot be added by using Facebook, Twitter or Foursquare
- Expires August 31st
- Amazon payments is included
- Transaction must be made directly with Amazon (e.g no cash back portals)
- Statement credit will appear within 90 days
Our Verdict
If you’re unfamiliar with how American Express Sync offers work we’d recommend reading this first. If you have the above offer on any of your cards you should take advantage of it as soon as possible, your best bet would to purchase something you need from Amazon. If there isn’t anything you currently need simply buy a $20 e-gift card instead and save it until there is something you need.
Hat tip to slickdeals
Sad, no targeted free Kindle Books for me!