[Expired] [Targeted] AmEx Offer: Ralph Lauren, Spend $250+ & Receive $50 Statement Credit

Deal has expired, view more AmEx offers by clicking here.

The Offer

No direct link, targeted offer

  • Get a one-time $50 statement credit by using your enrolled card to spend a minimum of $250+ in one or more transactions in-store at Ralph Lauren, Polo Factory Stores or online at ralphlauren.com by 5/15/2019

The Fine Print

  • Valid until May 15th, 2019
  • Valid on one or more transactions
  • Not valid on purchases shipped outside the U.S.

Our Verdict

Looks like it works on gift card purchases, might be profitable for some if you have access to good private rates.

View more Amex offers here & if you have any questions abut American Express offers then read this post.

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Creep (@guest_736075)
March 16, 2019 22:23

I was targeted for this on only my vanilla Plat.

Jeff (@guest_736007)
March 16, 2019 18:40

No thanks. I can get socks, underwear and other clothing for far less $$ at Kohl’s, Target than a clothing store where people only pay top $ for the design label.

Joe (@guest_736024)
March 16, 2019 19:36

And you also walk around looking like a dude that shops at Kohl’s and rocks target branded clothes. Your point?