The Offer
No direct link, targeted offer, check your AmEx Offers
- American Express has some targeted spending offers being shown in the AmEx Offers section. These offers vary by card/cardholder.
Sample offers:
- Spend $3,000+ and get 3,000 Membership Rewards points, offer can be done up to 3 times.
- Spend $5,500+ and get 1,500 Membership Rewards points, offer can be done up to 3 times.
The Fine Print
- Must enroll first
- Valid until 6/22/25
Our Verdict
How useful this deal is will depend on what card(s) you get it on and your own offer.
Hat tip to reader T
For those wondering what use this may have: if you are lucky enough to get the 1:1 deal (e.g. 3000 MR points for $3000 spend) you are effectively making this into a 2x earning card for everyday spend, good for medical payments, insurance payments or tax payments. You won’t lose anything compared to using your 2x earning card on said payments (up to the maximum of this deal).
I miss the spend $2500 3x get $2500 3x offers…
My Amex Business Gold has spend $8,500 receive 8500 points. Use up to 3 times. Matches nicely with my 200,000 point signup bonus.
Spend $10500, get $105 statement credit on my BCE. Yeah, right.
3000 MR on $3000 spend for BBP, which is actually not horrible for effectively 3x return on non-bonus spend.
I have spend $3500 get $35 back on Amex Blue Cash (no AF), up to three times.
Seeing spend 5000 and get 2500 MR points. 0.5 MR lol.
Spend $36k, get 9,000 MR. Wow, such a deal! Got this on 5 cards.
Spend $4000 get 1000 MR on BBP ahahahahahahhaha
I got the above spend $3000 get 3000 bonus Amex points, up to 3 times offer, on my Gold and Everyday cards.
But of course it can’t show on my Hilton card, because my Hilton card earns Hilton Honors points, not Amex Membership Rewards points.
And, presumably, if none of the cards in someone’s Amex credit card collection are Membership Rewards points cards, then they can’t see this offer of course.
I don’t have any business cards with Amex, so I can’t report on what I do or don’t see there.