[Targeted] Chase: No Fee For Using My Chase Plan

The Offer

No direct link to offer, sent out via e-mail. Subject line is ‘Great news, <name>! We’re offering you a $0 fee option to pay over time for travel purchases with My Chase Plan(R)’

  • Chase is offering some cardholders no fees when using My Chase Plan

Our Verdict

My Chase Plan is Chase’s card financing option. Normally you pay a fixed rate over time, under this promotion there will be no fee.

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Bill (@guest_1768862)
January 2, 2024 10:59

I know that this is an old post, but I had a free plan offer on all of my Chase Freedom cards. I do not recall receiving an email and did not see anything on their website, but no fees were added when I set up an 18-month plan (and 12-months on two other cards).

Greg (@guest_1235495)
August 6, 2021 20:05

Email said travel purchases, but online it’s letting me use it on anything.

Hodor (@guest_1234607)
August 5, 2021 12:46

I got this email. It refers to my CSP, but when I follow the link in the email, it lets me pick from any of my personal cards. I was able to create a plan for a VRBO charge on my CFU from a few weeks ago, which was surprising since VRBO doesn’t code as travel for multipliers.

Dylan (@guest_1234330)
August 4, 2021 22:08

Got the offer on travel purchases only, boo. No way to game this it seems.

Nick (@guest_1234472)
August 5, 2021 09:03

You can add plans on purchases from a statement or two ago – that’s what I did. So it’s not just new purchases that qualify.

KKN (@guest_1234319)
August 4, 2021 21:53

I got the email but do not see 5k points mentioned anywhere.

Nick (@guest_1234312)
August 4, 2021 21:42

I got the offer for no fees on Chase Plans for travel purchases. It let me create three different plans for two airline purchases and a hotel stay, all at no cost.

Paulv (@guest_1234318)
August 4, 2021 21:52

Received this one too but no mention of 5K bonus points.

David (@guest_1234310)
August 4, 2021 21:36

Where does it say 5k?

Mike (@guest_1234309)
August 4, 2021 21:35

I got the email but nothing about bonus points. Did you mean to put that in the title? The screenshot and offer details don’t say that either.