[Targeted] Chase Disney Premier $50 Upgrade Bonus

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Chase is offering some Chase Disney no annual fee cardholders a bonus of $50 when they upgrade the Chase Disney premier card (requires one purchase on the new card)

The Fine Print

  • Valid until September 30th, 2019
  • Read our full review here
  • 2% in Disney Dream Reward Dollars on card purchases at gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants and most Disney locations
  • 1% in Disney Dream Reward Dollars on all other purchases
  • Annual fee of $49
  • Disney perks:
    • Character Meet ‘N’ Greet at a private Cardmember location
    • 10% off select merchandise purchases of $50 or more at Disney Store and DisneyStore.com

Our Verdict

The only difference I can see between the two cards is that the $49 annual fee card has that 2% earning category. Because of that I don’t see any reason to upgrade. You do get a $50 bonus but you have to pay the $49 annual fee so it’s basically pointless.

Hat tip to reader Gadget

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Intl churner
Intl churner (@guest_793529)
August 4, 2019 17:29

Does anyone know if being added as an authorized user on a Chase card is a good way to start a relationship with them and hopefully get targeted for an offer that bypasses 5/24?

G (@guest_793242)
August 3, 2019 14:50

There is an important difference for some. Only with the premier card, you can redeem the reward dollars in 1:1 for your airline ticket spending, which I think is much better than Disney gift card. Some may have hundreds of dollars in rewards from referral.

Gadget 🕵️
Gadget 🕵️ (@guest_793277)
August 3, 2019 17:59

This is the motivating factor to switch. The Disney cards have a referral program that earns Disney bucks, and I have a decent amount built up. It’s either buy a bunch of Disney merch. or movie tickets, or, upgrade and spend it in airline tickets.

If anyone has good ways to liquidate Disney Reward dollars, I’d love to hear it.

MoreSun (@guest_793302)
August 3, 2019 20:25

 William Charles maybe update to include the airfare redemption option becomes active if you upgrade and that some people might see $100 upgrade offers

MoreSun (@guest_793232)
August 3, 2019 14:29

Don’t do it if they only offer $50. I was offered $100 statement credit in a targeted email and it linked to this same webpage so different people might see different offers.

Stinger (@guest_793236)
August 3, 2019 14:41

I got the $100 offer emailed too. Since I have a Disney trip coming up soon it made sense for the $50 money maker and extra 1%. I use the 6 months free interest to level out my budget. I could pay in full but prefer to use Chases money for free since I’m going on the Disney trip regardless of the card I use.