[Targeted] Chevron FCU $10 for 3 ATM Transactions

The Offer

Get $10 when you make three ATM transactions by December 15th.


Fine Print

  • Make three transactions at any ATM by December 15 using an ATM/Debit Card associated with your account, and we’ll give you $10.
  • Offer is only valid for the member and account referenced in this email and is non-transferable.  If member makes three ATM transactions using a CFCU ATM of Debit Card associated with the referenced account between September 15 and December 15, 2017, $10 will be credited to the member’s Primary Savings account as a dividend by December 31, 2017.  One $10 credit per person. Other restrictions may apply.

Our Verdict

Should be an easy $10 for those targeted.

For those with kids, it might be worth becoming a member – membership is available nationwide through a non-profit partner association (Navy League appears to be $25) – they offer 7.0% (on up to $1,000 for youth savings accounts).  We’ve previously collected information on a number of benefits like this (child savings accounts, member dividends, …) on the Bank Accounts with Extra Benefits page.


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Davis (@guest_1194566)
May 21, 2021 22:57
Travis (@guest_483579)
September 27, 2017 14:07

Never completed a more arduous application. The child’s account requires a whole new application, which is where I gave up. Had to wait six months to close in order to miss penalty and even that was difficult as you can’t close over the phone.

Mser (@guest_483336)
September 26, 2017 23:55

Have accounts at CFCU for work. It’s a decent CU but offers little beyond the usual run of the mill CU. The 7% is nice for kids. But I’d open accounts in other CUs first (Lake Michigan, Evansville Federal) and get 3% on first $60K. CFCU pays 1% up to $249,999 and a whopping 1.1% over $250K.

Mser (@guest_483337)
September 26, 2017 23:56

Of course, wasn’t targeted for the ATM offer…