[Targeted] Citi: Spend $350 On Airlines/Hotels, Get $30 Credit

Update 7/13/24: Available again.

Update 3/28/23: Deal is back and valid until 4/23/23.

Update 8/23/22: Deal is back and valid until 09/17/2022.

Update: To clarify – this is not found within the standard Citi Offers. Rather, when you log into the app you’ll get a pop up with this offer, if targeted.

The Offer

Check your Citi Offers for the following deal:

  • Spend $350 at Airlines through 08/15/2022 and earn $30 back as a statement credit.
  • Others got the same offer for Hotels instead of Airlines.

Our Verdict

Nice to see a broad category offer like Airlines or Hotels during the summer travel season.

Hat tip to reader patient of credit and to SD

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mommafrica (@guest_1875385)
July 15, 2024 23:33

I got this on my Citi American Airlines for the HOTELS.

Midhart90 (@guest_1884998)
July 30, 2024 23:14

Likewise for my Custom Cash. Have you traveled recently? I wonder if the fact that I have recently made a flurry of charges at out-of-state merchants may have triggered this travel-related offer.

mommafrica (@guest_1885045)
July 31, 2024 01:59

I’ve been traveling, but not truly using the card (except in Oct to get eloped in Vegas).
I used the card once at a restaurant (not during travel, a few times at Food Lion Market (Citi Offers small promo) and once/twice on ebay (I think Etsy as well).

DSK (@guest_1874706)
July 14, 2024 21:51

Same here. Balance transfer offer. Blah.

Burgers? (@guest_1874551)
July 14, 2024 14:03

Didn’t get the offer. Fortunately, instead I was targeted for a Citi loan for the 90th time.

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1873434)
July 12, 2024 07:38

This offer is back

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1693381)
September 14, 2023 03:01

Did anyone receive the credit yet??

SRG (@guest_1664978)
August 2, 2023 18:21

Got this offer on my Citi Double Cash today.

AdoptaPetInstead (@guest_1652105)
July 12, 2023 08:03

I received an email for this offer today if I spend $350 on hotels get $30 back (Citi Custom Cash).

LWink (@guest_1605928)
April 25, 2023 13:38

I got the Hotels offer for my Citi Custom Cash upon logging in to website. Good until May 25. Of course, it was 30 minutes after I booked $1200 worth of hotel stay thru Expedia on the card. I activated it and hope it might apply. Now that I’ve activated it, I cannot find mention of it anywhere on the website. Will try installing the app.

Raj (@guest_1743805)
November 24, 2023 07:56

Expedia will disqualify it. Here is verbiage “This offer excludes purchases made at warehouses and travel agencies.”

Dj (@guest_1586830)
March 28, 2023 16:15

Does this stack with the 10% we get back from the Citi portal? I’m assuming not since it uses booking.com

Kafka (@guest_1587270)
March 29, 2023 05:35

Terms explicitly say no travel agencies, and historically Citi includes their own portal as an OTA.

Andy (@guest_1586669)
March 28, 2023 13:27

Is there any hotel that allows prepay but is fully refundable? I checked a few, e.g., IHG, Hilton, but the prepay options are all nonrefundable

sdsearch (@guest_1874462)
July 14, 2024 10:10

Some individual hotels do, or maybe hotels in particular locations where there are local rules about it, but AFAIK not whole chains everywhere. In other words, I occasionally read about someone running into that somewhere (I’m not interested myself, so I haven’t kept track of where it was), but it’s rare.