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Ben (@guest_1978616)
January 3, 2025 16:44

When people say “deposit” from CashApp, does that mean they linked their CashApp account to the new bank account, and withdrew their CashApp balance to the bank? Or is there a way to use a P2’s CashApp to send directly to your bank account?

Just wondering since when I link my CashApp to my new bank account, it looks like it’s sharing with the bank that my CashApp is linked. So it doesn’t seem like a simple withdrawal would qualify as a direct deposit.


Ashley (@guest_1115812)
December 22, 2020 16:17

Has anyone closed his or her account yet? Do they claw back the bonus or charge a fee? I didn’t see anything about it in the bonus terms but I just want to be sure.

DK (@guest_1117101)
December 25, 2020 14:04

Did you pull the trigger on closing yet? I just pulled most of my money out but that hasn’t posted yet. I will have a little left in checking that I’m going to pay off a US Bank credit card and then will cancel before the “fee” tries to post around the 11th. Did a quick google search and not sure if it has to be by phone. Would be nice if we could chat or message them about it. Any idea?

tribesman55 (@guest_1106087)
December 9, 2020 16:05

Got the 400 for savings just now.

Jeremy (@guest_1101605)
December 2, 2020 04:02

Anyone receive the savings account bonus ($400) yet?

tribesman55 (@guest_1102584)
December 3, 2020 14:12

Still waiting on mine. Already received checking bonus.

Ravi (@guest_1103643)
December 5, 2020 15:55

Got the checking and waiting for Savings too here

SC (@guest_1109554)
December 15, 2020 10:23

Same here. Waiting for the savings, already got the checking.

SC (@guest_1113407)
December 18, 2020 13:30

Reporting back, $400 bonus just arrived. An easy $800! (2x$400)

RV (@guest_1113531)
December 18, 2020 15:53

Still haven’t received my $400 for the Money Market yet.

DK (@guest_1116532)
December 23, 2020 20:30

I did get mine on 12/9/20. The initial $25k deposit posted 8/25/20.

Terri (@guest_1053676)
September 12, 2020 20:44

8/13/2020 checking account opened
8/21/2020 $2000 electronic deposit Discover Bank
8/27/2020 $2000 electronic deposit Elements Financial
8/28/2020 $2000 electronic deposit Discover Bank
9/03/2020 $2000 electronic deposit Elements Financial
9/10/2020 $400 bonus posted as “adjusted interest”

Mar (@guest_1052108)
September 11, 2020 09:40

8/12/2020 Checking Account Opened
8/17/2020 $2000 Cash out from Cash App
8/19/2020 $2000 Cash out from Cash App
9/10/2020 $400 Bonus Posted as Adjusted Interest

Fab (@guest_1049102)
September 4, 2020 23:45

Is this still available in September? Do I need a flyer or can I just head to the branch? Thanks

Apollonia (@guest_1048862)
September 4, 2020 14:06

Date of deposit for savings accounts was 09/08/2020 (extended from 08/31/2020) on the flyer I received. This is in Mountain View.

George (@guest_1046369)
August 31, 2020 18:36

According to this comment a banker said an existing US Bank customer is eligible as long as they were upgrading. I just came back from the local branch and was told otherwise. Curious if there are any existing customers here who took advantage of the offer? These contradictory anecdotes make this offer sketch for anyone who already had an account.

CD (@guest_1043002)
August 25, 2020 18:40

Does anyone know if the deposit has to actually “post” by August 31st to actually qualify? I just deposited a check to the savings account and was told that it wouldn’t clear for 7 business days which would end up being after the August 31st deadline. I was told by the teller that it would be fine, but I don’t know if I believe her.

William (@guest_1044716)
August 28, 2020 14:43

teller (daly city branch) told me it counted when you deposit the check, not the date the check is cleared. but nevermind since the promotion of daly city offered is extended to 9/8/2020.

CD (@guest_1056204)
September 16, 2020 17:52

Just an update and a DP. The teller was correct and the check posted on the same day (and actually cleared in like 2 days anyways).

Also, Amex Savings works for direct deposit.
Deposited on 8/19 and 8/20 (“Electronic Deposit American Express” on the US Bank website, and when looking at the US Bank mobile app it actually says “Direct Deposit American Express”) and got the $400 on 9/10.