[Targeted] Upgrade Existing Discover Card and Get Cash Back Match for a Year

A number of r/churning users report getting an offer from Discover to enroll their existing Discover card to receive a Cash Back Match for a year. It appears this offer is being targeted to some people who have old versions of the Discover card, they need to upgrade the card to the newer IT version to get this bonus. The offer is being seen on both the Cash Back card and the Miles card.

Typically, the Cash Back Match is only for new cardholders. These targeted cardholders are being encouraged to product change to the newer version of the card and get the Double Cash Back Bonus along the way. The offer is being sent out via snail mail and is also showing in some logins.

If you do have an old Discover card and get targeted with this offer, it could make sense to take advantage of this offer. You are losing out on the signup bonus which is $50 via referral + doubling, for $100 total bonus. But you’re saving the pull and new account on your credit report, and you’re getting the main Discover bonus which is the double cash back bonus.

Update: Readers note that in some cases the upgrade (and Cash Back Match enrollment) is happening automatically from Discover’s end.

If anyone is signing up for a new Discover card and needs a referral, grab one from this referral thread. Check out these Things to Know about Discover as well.

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zjts (@guest_403977)
May 9, 2017 12:39

has anyone with old IT cards called & received the Cash Back Match for a Year (without getting an email from discover)?

TPdL (@guest_404067)
May 9, 2017 15:58

I was wondering this too. I got a Discover It in 2015 and missed out on the student rewards that they introduced later in the year (like the GPA one) and the double cash back bonus offer. I really don’t want to apply for a new card just to get the bonus, I’d love for it to be applied to my account now or in the future for me to take advantage of since I’ve been a customer since then! Guess it’s time to chat, i’ll update if I find anything out.

Msd2179 (@guest_403903)
May 9, 2017 09:50

DoC, in my case, they didn’t offer me the upgrade–they did it automatically. I received a letter suddenly with my new card saying they upgraded me from a Discover Miles (not the It Miles) I’ve had since 2011 (but have not used in forever) to the It.

EW (@guest_403765)
May 9, 2017 01:36

Can someone confirm if the new Discover IT card still offers the annual 40$ airline wifi credit? I would not want to product change if I am losing that perk

GuessWho (@guest_403849)
May 9, 2017 07:21

Only on the Discover IT Miles card not the regular IT:

When you use your Discover it Miles card to purchase wireless internet access on an aircraft, we will issue a statement credit in the amount of that purchase in U.S. dollars within seven (7) business days, up to a maximum of $30 each Anniversary Year.

Nate (@guest_403900)
May 9, 2017 09:48

The Discover It doesn’t offer the wi-fi credit; the Discover It Miles is the one that offers a $40 airline wi-fi credit.

Nate (@guest_403902)
May 9, 2017 09:49

Oops, meant $30 credit

J. Sarayda Shapiro
J. Sarayda Shapiro (@guest_403764)
May 9, 2017 01:34

I have both an old Discover card, and a DiscoverIT card that I got in 2015. I’m wondering — if I cancel my DiscoverIT card, any chance Discover will offer me an upgrade on my old Discover account? I’m thinking of trying this in Fall 2017, when my husband’s 12 months of Cashback Match runs out.

Anyone try something like this?

64bit (@guest_403752)
May 9, 2017 00:55

Interesting they’re doing this, my dad was upgraded to the card last year automatically without asking – and they gave him the match included with the upgrade letter. Figured they updated everyone already.

zMay (@guest_403746)
May 9, 2017 00:44

Chuck, there is another i believe targeted offer from Discover. I’ve received an email on April 15th: Get up to
$50 Cashback Bonus®
with Discover and Android Pay

You automatically earn
$5 Cashback Bonus® for each
of the first 10 purchases you make
with your Discover card in Android
Pay until July 31, 2017.*


Jeff H
Jeff H (@guest_403736)
May 9, 2017 00:33

Those doing this .. are they product changing in order to get this goodie?

Jordan (@guest_403739)
May 9, 2017 00:38

Mine wasn’t even an offer. Rather, they just automatically upgraded my card and are giving me 6 months 0% APR on all purchases and the cashback match on all cashback for the next 12 months. I logged into my account and it already shows a tab tracking my cashback match.

J. Sarayda Shapiro
J. Sarayda Shapiro (@guest_403763)
May 9, 2017 01:31

The exact same thing happened to my husband last fall. His Discover card was automatically upgraded to a DiscoverIT. I can’t remember if he got 0% Apr for 6 months, but he’s getting Cashback Match.

Jackie (@guest_403850)
May 9, 2017 07:22

I also got the Cashback Match and 12 months 0% APR on my exisiting IT card (that I had for about 2 years). Offer came in the mail with my new chip card in January and I’m glad I read the fine print!

I rarely used my Discover Card last year, so I was guessing that’s why I was targeted.

Jeff H
Jeff H (@guest_403731)
May 9, 2017 00:22

There have been occasions that such a posting made me look when I was not paying attention to my email.

David (@guest_403708)
May 8, 2017 23:43

I don’t understand this. What’s the point of posting these targeted offers? If you get targeted, then you will know it. If not, why bother?

Tim (@guest_403711)
May 8, 2017 23:48

Maybe a reminder to check your email address?
– Especially if the email went to different folders such as promotions/updates/etc.

Parkerthon (@guest_403717)
May 9, 2017 00:00

Plenty of times I check the [Targeted] posts and search my email to see if I missed it. About 4 out of last 100 or so I’ve read applied to me, but just those were worth easily about a $1000. It’s annoying to feel like you’re missing out, but you can also just not click on the threads and leave it for people that find value and want to bother.

William Charles
May 9, 2017 19:22

Few reasons:

1. Remind people to check to see if they are targeted. A lot of readers just dismiss any promotional e-mails as spam.
2. Provide our thoughts on the offer.
3. Useful to have a database for targeted offers, that way if another offer comes along we can use it as a reference point (e.g there has been higher targeted offers in the past).

I know some readers hate these points, but we put targeted in the title so you can just avoid clicking on these posts.