Update 1/13/24: Looks like all tiers have been hit.
Update 12/11/23: There is a new RGF deal. Different tiers. None seem that exciting but the hold period is only one week so it might be worth the risk. Some readers are reporting that the higher tiers have already hit the redemption limit but still showing on the website so becareful.
Update 2/11/23: RGF deal now dead.
Update 2/9/23: New promotion being sent out via email – get $100 Amazon gift card for having 50 shares of RGF (that costs around $5 each share at the time of this writing), no hold requirement. (Thanks to Grant, Jay and others for sharing this deal)
The Offer
- Tiicker lets you link your brokerage account and then incentives consumers to buy/hold shares. Currently it’s possible to earn up to $71
- Sign up and link any account with $100 (account holding mutual funds and treasuries won’t work) in it for a free $11 Amazon or Visa gift card (shows on homepage)
- Link an account with $50 or more of Amazon stock, get a $10 Amazon gift card (should show after logging into account)
- Buy 10 shares of RGF (current $6.50/share) and get a $50 Instacart gift card (shows in header)
Our Verdict
When connecting your brokerage this is done via Plaid, so should be safe. They also have a referral program where you can earn prizes. Feel free to use Steve’s who shared these deals with us, or share your own in the comments below.
I really like the concept of Tiicker and you could do most of these deals with a fee free brokerage and just sell the shares after receiving your rewards. I imagine in the future they might add holding periods to prevent this sort of thing (looks like they already have the ability to do this).
Did anyone at the $500 gc level end up getting a care package?
I’ve bought 100 and held for a week to get that particular tier, and like people below realized that the deal was dead literally a day after I met the requirements. Reached out to [email protected] (since they don’t post a CS telephone number) and haven’t heard anything back since December.
Will probably start shaming them on Twitter since that sometimes works to get results…even though I’m not a fan of resorting to that.
Bought 3750 shares for the $500 visa gift card offer and came back after a week only to find the deal isn’t available anymore…. They suck!
For anyone that got their hands on one of the Visa cards – I was unable to check my card’s balance, so I called in to CS. There’s a security hold that expires in 2 business days.
mine was locked also without any transactions, called CS and they didn’t give a clear answer but said have escalated internally so hopefully resolved soon.
CS agent I spoke to said that the security hold would be lifted with no action on my part – she also confirmed that the card had full balance.
Wow, what an absolute racket this was.
1) The Tiicker website is very unreliable – I linked my Vanguard brokerage with RGF stock. It recognized my linked brokerage (displaying the correct amount of money) but did not recognize any individual stocks owned within it – on some parts of the website even claiming that “It looks like you don’t have any equities connected!…”
2) Commenters here report higher tiers of rewards have reached redemption limit despite the website still advertising it to me (I can’t confirm if it’s active or not, because Tiicker does not recognize my held RGF…)
3) It probably isn’t even legal for a website to be offering paid incentive to buy/hold certain stocks. Especially when they can’t even hold up their promised end of the transaction.
This stock is paying people to buy and hold it for a reason. Understand the tremendous risk you are taking by holding it for any period of time. If you bought the required shares for the max tier ~two hours ago, you’d already be down >$200 (ask me how I know…).
I think DOC ought to reconsider paying any mind to these scam promotions in the future, or at the very least put in a bit more effort to communicate the compounding risks involved (stock price drops, website breaks, redemptions hit their limit, etc).
I think it’s pretty clear that the stock can drop in price. I’ll add a note about redemption limits.
Sure, stocks can always drop in price. But this particular stock has been in a death march since it began trading ~2 years ago, and while past performance is not indicative of future results – the fact that the company has decided internally to PAY people to purchase and hold their stock is indicative of something seriously wrong.
Healthy companies don’t cook up backdoor reward schemes hidden from the investing public to prop up their share price. This suggests to me (…any reasonable person?) the stock is likely to lose value relative to the overall market.
If this sort of scheme were to ever reach significant scale, it would be swiftly shut down by regulators as obvious market manipulation.
This website has made me loads of money, I’m calling attention to this in an effort to protect it’s integrity. Probably not a good look to be caught up in the promotion of this sort of stuff, but it’s your website, and I’m just a single opinion.
For everyone else – my above comment is your warning.
I just made the assumption that people would do their own basic research before buying large quantities of stock. I think your main issue of the rewards not being available is a good one and I noted it in the post. Previous performance of the stock is largely irrelevant
I found the issue is that the stock can drop in price and you can lose the offer availability. I went into it with a well the 500 GC can cover a drop of x attitude. I second the notion that they are doing something very grey area with this offer.
Like I said, that is clear in the post.
I had similar issues to you. I did the 1000 shares and immediately set up a stop loss order to prevent any significant losses. I was able to link to create a new account and link to Merrill Edge easily but it kept showing no equities after I purchased the shares. I tried the disconnect and reconnect trick several times and still nothing.
Then, they quickly pulled the 1000 shares and 3750 shares offers. At that point (without this offer to help prop of the stock price), I just sold the shares immediately since I had no idea if the shares would even show up after 24 hours. Ended up losing $27-$28.
I agree that these offers are clear market manipulation and shouldn’t be legal. It is almost like they got the desired effect to briefly trade this stock for a small gain in stock price (at large volume of shares) and then just dump and remove the offer once their desired trade is complete.
Best not to try an offer like this as your first time trying this product out. If I knew how to execute and claim the offer quickly I would have had time to claim it but couldn’t due to my inexperience about knowing which brokerage link would work best to be able to quickly claim the offers. I should have signed up previously and done the simple amazon offer just to get my feet wet and see if it actually worked for me. I think then I would have had more success with this offer.
Does anyone know how to redeem the real good foods gift card? It looks like all their food is in store only but the card is online only.
The realgoodfoods website previously had a way to buy some of their food online (with expensive shipping costs to keep it cold unless your order is above $99.99), but now I don’t see that option, so possibly the gift card is worthless. But maybe the online ordering will come back later, or maybe there’s some other way to use the gift card that I’m not aware of.
In memoriam here is a $50 Gift Card to RGF I have not used in a year.
See if it works.
How long does it take to actually get the visa gift card. I was able to redeem the perk for $100 Visa Gift Card 1 hour ago, and only received the perk redemption email not the actual visa egift card yet.
Redemption instructions were in the email titled “Congratulations! Perk Claimed!”
All but the $25 gift card option are no longer available.
Bummer, I only claimed the $100 Visa Gift Card Option thinking I’d be able to claim the other 3 perks instantly as well. For anyone thinking of doing this, go for the highest perk you can (ideally the $500 Visa Gift or $250 Visa Gift Card options if still available first) as you can only redeem one and you’ll be locked out from redeeming another for another 6 months. The work around of being able to redeem the highest $500 Visa Gift Card Perk instantly makes this well worth the 5-10 minutes, which I’m sure won’t last long (over $1,000 value with the $500 Shareholder store credit).
If they enforced the 1-week hold limit, I’d probably re-consider given the huge downward trend of RGF stock in the past few months (a week of holding the 3750 shares at $1.65 only provides a buffer of 8% with the Visa Gift Card alone, unless you consider the additional $500 shareholder credit into your calculation). It only takes approximately a 14 cent drop per share to put you under which this stock has done easily in the past few months.