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RobW (@guest_2028766)
March 22, 2025 11:05

This promo is available again but this time its an actual $200 deposit bonus you receive if you do the requirements instead of a Mastercard giftcard. Also the DD has to be at least $300 within 90 days. Offer expires 4/30/25

VK (@guest_1895586)
August 19, 2024 13:37

This promo should be marked as expired:

Offer expires January 12, 2024″

Neil (@guest_1742693)
November 22, 2023 15:53

TN resident.
We have reviewed your application and are unable to open an account for you at this time. You will receive a letter with information on why we made this decision in 7-14 business days.

Justanother dude
Justanother dude (@guest_1742799)
November 22, 2023 18:07

I got the same response a few years back. Was approved in branch.

Karen (@guest_1698669)
September 20, 2023 17:05

DP push from Capital One worked to trigger DD

Mike (@guest_1753327)
December 7, 2023 10:16

What’s the Category in the online bank activity? Transfer or Deposit?

Bonuschaser (@guest_1336774)
February 23, 2022 09:48

-TN resident here
-Emailed documents that required signature & TN ID.
-Mailed $100 check to deposit.
-Push from Chase x2
-Received gc bonus via mail ~3-4 weeks after posting of DD from chase.
– They are chex sensitive as they reviewed mine before approving the account.
-NOT a hard credit pull.

Matt (@guest_1313406)
January 11, 2022 18:44

In TN here, approved and they sent all the documents to sign and mail back in. I was able to setup online banking and it even let me do a mobile deposit (was hoping it would work instead of mailing a check) but now when I try to login it says my account is disabled. Ugh… maybe when they get my documents it will get cleared up. Anybody else experience this?

Manabi (@guest_1311921)
January 8, 2022 22:28

The link to find branches is bad now, here’s the current one:

Jan B
Jan B (@guest_1119933)
January 1, 2021 13:13

Is it likely we will see more of these GC promotions for bank account openings, as opposed to cash money deposits? Not my cup of tea.

Time will tell…

AllenW (@guest_1119592)
December 31, 2020 16:03

12-31 Applied OOS, will see if I get the email to go to a branch… I’m hoping there is a different process since there is Covid19. It says you need to mail a check in, but I also guess you can transfer money in too? Will see and update within 1-3 business days.

zeer0 (@guest_1120743)
January 2, 2021 20:50

Let us know how it goes AllenW

AllenW (@guest_1122752)
January 5, 2021 20:58

They advised that I would have to visit a branch.

Lily (@guest_1124118)
January 8, 2021 09:04

I’m in their foot print but still they asked me to visit the branch to open the account. This is stupid, i applied online because i don’t want to go in (requires appointment) due to the COVID-19. I will pass that $200 gc.

Nady (@guest_985557)
May 23, 2020 17:42

Received my $200 MC gift card today. Mail also said I will receive a signed blanket by Jaren Jackson Jr of the Memphis Grizzlies and a picnic tote (will ship as separate package). Opened account 5/4/20. Had to mail in cheque ($100) for opening deposit, as well as copy of ID and signature document, after I received official email. Ally ACH ($1013), which arrived on 5/20/20, triggered the direct deposit. This was a quick turn around. Thanks!

TSP (@guest_1119884)
January 1, 2021 11:59

Was it a soft or hard pull?