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The Offer
- Topcashback is offering $6 cashback when using filing your tax return with Credit Karma’s free filing service.
The Fine Print
- Valid through April 15th
Our Verdict
We reviewed Credit Karma’s free tax filing offering in this dedicated post, you can read the comments there for people’s thoughts on their service. Easy $6 if you’d like to use them anyway.
Hat tip to amex_fangirl on r/churning
Little late CK/TCB, huh?
Does this work for filing just an extension?
That seems like a ‘yup’ crossed with a ‘nope,’ so I’m not sure if you meant it affirmatively (I’m assuming?) or negatively.
Good offer.
Since TT & TA both wants me to upgrade to the paid version for a very simple tax return, I’m going to use CK for filing my taxes this year.
Thanks DoC.