The Offer
- Topcashback is offering 21% cashback on your first Grubhub purchase.
Our Verdict
Nice deal for first time users. You can alternatively use Rakuten for 11%/11x on the purchase. Existing customers get 3% from Topcashback and 2x from Rakuten. Other portals like American Airlines offer even more for existing users.
Update: seems readers have had problems with Grubhub tracking on Topcashback, you might be better off using Rakuten.
Hat tip to Frequentmiler
Most likely better off using Rakuten for 11x as you’re able to also stack with one of the new user promo codes on Rakuten, whereas TCB doesn’t show any similar new user promo codes to use with the cashback offer…
“AFF25” for 25% off first app order of $15+
“AFF7” for $7 off an order of $12+
“AFFFREEDEL” for free delivery on orders of $15+
Plus much like below, 4 or 5 of my 5 Grubhub orders through TCB (online, not mobile app) required me to submit missing cashback claims.
Hello There,
Thank you for your comment. This is simply because Grubhub purchases are only eligible for cashback when using IOS or Android devices. That’s the only reason you’ve had to submit claims. Something to note for the future 🙂
Thank you
Just a heads up: Since March, none of my GrubHub orders (9) have tracked through TopCashBack. These were all initiated on the TCB site which redirected the GH mobile app.
I’ll add a note
Same. I submitted requests one by one, and the day before yesterday, they all showed up in my earning dashboard. My suggestion is, manually turn off your adblocker even if you add waitlist through links before.
Please note that purchases made through Grubhub are only eligible for cashback when you use IOS or Android devices.
Thank you
Hello There Justin,
Grubhub purchases are only eligible for cashback when you use IOS or Android devices. Just to note that this is probably why they haven’t tracked. However, if you shoot me an email with the receipts, I can see what I can do about your cashback.
Kind Regards