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wtf chase
wtf chase (@guest_1801902)
February 23, 2024 03:44

Submitted CFPB complaint for bait and switch. Will report back

wtf chase
wtf chase (@guest_1803962)
February 27, 2024 16:59

“We are in receipt of your complaint filed with the CFPB. This complaint was reviewed by management. The promotion you had applied for had expired several months prior and was not a valid promotion at the time of your application. As your account has not yet funded, and due to the promotion having expired several months prior, we will not be able to apply this promotion to your unfunded account.”

Maya (@guest_1868770)
July 3, 2024 08:48

Is there any benefit to keeping this account after the bonus is received? It is a little annoying that there is an inactivity fee.

Matt (@guest_1864460)
June 25, 2024 08:50

I had to email customer service for it, but they honored the bonus without any issue.

zeer0 (@guest_1856878)
June 7, 2024 04:31

$150 bonus was paid out about a week after I emailed them to get the bonus paid out manually

Side note – this is my least favorite brokerage website I’ve ever seen. So clumsy and difficult to navigate, can’t imagine actually using this day-to-day.

Arv (@guest_1856944)
June 7, 2024 10:14

100% agree. Worst trading website ever!

Matty Rex
Matty Rex (@guest_1856338)
June 6, 2024 00:55

Regarding the “expired” TSTVAFYB promo code/bonus…

When my bonus didn’t post,. I was nervous about contacting TradeStation. Even after a few years in the game, I still feel naughty when I have to talk to a CSR in situations where it’s so obvious I’m bonus chasing. This is stupid, but I’m sure some of you can relate.

Anyways, I couldn’t believe how easy it was! Here’s a recent transcript of my Chat dialogue with them via their website [edited for anonymity].

Representative Matt: Hello, how may I assist you?
You: Hi Matt! I opened an account in February at which time there was an offer for promo code TSTVAFYB. Can you please check to see if that offer is applied to my account? I’ve maintained the required balance.
Representative Matt: That was an expired promotion that was posted to a third party promotion website that we do not support. We are honoring the promotions on a case by case basis. Can I have your name and the last four digits of your SSN to see if you qualify?
You: Okay cool thanks. My information is: ##############
Representative Matt: I have credited the $150. it will be posted in 7-10 business days
You: Sick, thanks Matt!
Representative Matt: Thank you for chatting. Good-bye.

Josh (@guest_1854714)
June 4, 2024 10:54

“Representative Matt at 10:52, Jun 4:
We informed you it would be 7-10 business days, so the complain would be invalid. We were courteous enough to honor an expired promotion. Please be patient”

It’s been way past 7-10 business days.

Jake N
Jake N (@guest_1852674)
May 31, 2024 00:19

Had to call in a couple times to get them to honor the bonus. It was escalated to a manager, and then a few days later, called in again, and was told it was going to post in 7 business days. Checked back a couple weeks later and the $150 had posted.

I’m withdrawing everything now and going to close immediately after. Definitely a messy experience and a terrible website.

Kris Sam
Kris Sam (@guest_1851671)
May 29, 2024 18:42

Any one received Bonus for depositing $500 with Trade Station?

PaulinTexas (@guest_1851767)
May 29, 2024 21:14

Kris Sam Yes after chatting to confirm the promo code was applied. It wasn’t but the Cs agent got approval to add the code. I was told to contact them at the 60 day mark for payout of the $150. I chatted again at day 90 and they paid overnight.

Pjs (@guest_1847372)
May 20, 2024 16:44

Chatted with an agent today who said they applied the promotional credit to my account and I would see it in 7-10 business days. Will update when it posts.

B (@guest_1847371)
May 20, 2024 16:39


Opened the acct 2/17/24 with all promo codes. I didn’t ever contact CS until 5/18/24 with the below email and the below response today:

Email to them:

Hello, I’m trying to find out if the promo code “TSTVAFYB” was applied to my account correctly. I entered this and ensured it was attached when I applied and have screenshot proof to provide doing so. I’m supposed to receive a credit of $150 for opening and maintaining a minimum balance of $500. See below screenshot of the promo Please Let me know, thank you!

Email from them:

Hi xxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for your email. A $150 promo payment has been approved for your account. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for the credit to be reflected in your TradeStation account balance.

For further inquiry into this matter, please reply to this email or contact us by phone or live chat.


I didn’t provide any proof ( didn’t have any I lied) accept the web archive I got from another comment in this thread.

b (@guest_1848100)
May 22, 2024 09:44

Update: received $150.00 Credit 5/22 and initiated withdraw of all funds to Ally. Will close TS account online once received.

Jeremy (@guest_1848103)
May 22, 2024 09:52

Same deal here. Received $150.00 today, 5/22

Jimmy Johns 🔗
Jimmy Johns 🔗 (@guest_1848386)
May 22, 2024 17:18

Saw your DP and emailed them as well. Their email is [email protected]. I used the web archive and reminded them of a conversation I had with a rep a few weeks ago and I was reaching out again as instructed. Received a response stating they would pay out in 7 to 10 business days.

killdozer (@guest_1842024)
May 8, 2024 16:26

Opened account 2/19/2024. I did the TSTVAFYB promo, bonus never posted. I called CSR and they said it expired in 2023 so they wont issue promo.

Made a CFPB complaint.

Jake N
Jake N (@guest_1844177)
May 13, 2024 15:46

killdozer I am in the same boat. Applied 2/20, no bonus applied. However, I just called in and they said they’d escalate this to a manual credit, since I had added the code to my application (even though they claim it was denied). Should hear back in a couple days, will let you know what comes of it.

Maybe they’ve been getting plenty of CFPB complaints and are changing their tune 😉

killdozer (@guest_1844438)
May 13, 2024 23:59

Positive DP. Got an email from trade station today stating they will be issuing the $150 bonus as an exception. So its definitely possible, if they deny just keep pushing for it.