The Offer
- Daiya is offering coupons for two free vegan pizzas. E-mail [email protected] w/ name and address to request it. Subject line “give me free pizza“.
The Fine Print
- Every participant will receive two (2) coupons.
- Each coupon is valid for one (1) Daiya pizza.
- Coupons can only be redeemed for Daiya pizza.
- The coupon value is limited to $12.99.
- Coupons are valid until Dec 31, 2023.
- Coupon acceptance is at the discretion of the supermarkets. If your local supermarket doesn’t accept your coupon, please contact [email protected].
- Daiya pizza selection is subject to availability at your selected retailer.
- Please be mindful of any allergies you may have when selecting your Daiya pizza.
Our Verdict
These pizzas look absolutely awful but free is free and if you’re vegan they might be worth trying.
I never got anything
I got my 2 coupons 10 days ago. I have used them for a pizza and non-dairy cheese slices. Both were actually pretty good. Keep the faith, friends! Coupons will come!
I got my coupons today! Almost 3 months since I filled out the form.
Me too….
Hi there,
It’s your pals at Daiya again. Firstly, we want to start off by saying sorry. We messed up. You entered our Pizza Pyramid Scheme before the deadline and you should have received your coupons. Simple as that.
We were surprised by the volume of responses and in trying to fix it, we made it worse. We understand why many of you were upset, especially after you shared your address with us.
We always try to stand behind our words and we fell short here. But we hope we can make it up to you by honoring the promise we made. Pizza is what you expected, so pizza is what you’ll get.
We’re writing this to let you know we’ll be sending your coupons for two free pizzas to the address you shared with us. We hope you’ll forgive us for our pizza faux pas and won’t hesitate to participate in future campaigns. Believe us, we’re going to be extra prepared next time.
Thank you for supporting Daiya. Enjoy your pizzas.
Yours cheesily,
Daiya Pizza Pyramid Recruitment Team
#DaiyaPizzaPyramid | @daiyafoods
I got this email too.
Now it’s 3 weeks later and still no coupons. Maybe they ran out of envelopes.
I received my 2 Daiya coupons in the mail. Took about a week from the day I received the confirmation email.
They reached their 10,000 customer limit. Now entering people into a drawing for a year of free pizza…
I didn’t receive any email yet. Anyone waiting for it?
I never got an email either. There are 2 local stores that carry it so I’m not outside their range.
Hopefully they mailed the coupons anyway.
I see them in Walmart and sprouts regularly. It is still good as regular pizza.
I see from below comments that we need to invite 3 friends to get coupons which is crazy
This post is triggering my inner Ron Swanson.
I thought by address they meant e-mail address woops
The are much better vegan pizzas from Amy’s, American Flatbread, and Blackbird, among others. But these aren’t bad, and even better when free.
Thanks. Also let us know when there are three offers for those brands.