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G (@guest_975157)
May 8, 2020 11:27

It’s been a while but I wanted to add my data point

1/15: Account approved
1/22: Schwab Brokerage ACH Transfer (“MONEYLINK SCHWAB BROKERAGEPPD”)
1/24: $200 Account bonus posted

No hard pull, had 3 accounts opened in previous 6 months

Ray (@guest_926539)
March 3, 2020 10:01

FYI there is a $1/month debit card non-usage fee. WTF?

Adeel (@guest_887220)
January 24, 2020 15:14

A vague DP:
1/17 – Ext Trnsfr JPMorgan Chase PPD
1/21 – P2P Aspiration WEB
1/22 – Southside Checking Account Bon (bonus posted this day, not sure when it started pending)
My Coinbase withdrawal to southside is still pending.

Based on the other DP having a ~1 week delay, I would say it was most likely Chase that triggered it.

Noe p
Noe p (@guest_876607)
January 15, 2020 02:16

Can someone provide a data point if you can cancel the account without physically going and just calling?

Adeel (@guest_885402)
January 23, 2020 00:12

You can just keep the account open. Cancel the debit card to avoid that fee, and setup auto-deposit/withdrawal into it for a dollar a month, to avoid inactivity fees.

G (@guest_1016523)
July 14, 2020 20:38

You can cancel by sending a secure message

Waq (@guest_866789)
January 6, 2020 22:06

Possible data point:

Dec 23rd : Account opened w/ $50
Dec 27th : $500 Chase checking ACH transfer (reported as Ext Trnsfr JPMorgan Chase PPD)
Dec 30th : $300 Discover checking ACH Transfer ( reported as PREARRANGE DISCOVER
Dec 31st : $300 Paypal transfer ( reported as TRANSFER PAYPAL PPD)
Jan 6th : $200 bonus pending

I cannot really tell which one triggered the bonus. From the descriptions, it seems like Discover probably triggered this bonus as I had to manually verify the account. On the other hand, I verified with Chase through login.

Adeel (@guest_885401)
January 23, 2020 00:11

I can add that aspiration posts as “P2P Aspiration WEB”. I also pushed through Paypal and Chase already, and will push from coinbase and capital one in the next few days.

I don’t have discover, and there’s no DP’s on what works and what doesn’t, so I’m just hoping for the best.

FRD (@guest_865431)
January 5, 2020 16:57

Applied 12-30-19, denied due to Chex 1-3-20. My 12/24 is 7/11

Sam (@guest_864163)
January 2, 2020 15:56

Applied 12/31, denied 01/02 due to ChexSystems, 11/12 in the last 12/24 months

Waqas (@guest_861565)
December 24, 2019 10:44

I read about this bonus here first and the next day I received a mailer.
They called me to verify the identity and asked how I knew about this promotion. They approved my application and after I hung up I received a couple of emails from them.
I had all 3 bureaus on freeze and I did not receive any hard pull alert after being approved from them.

JC (@guest_861470)
December 23, 2019 22:04

Applied Friday night 12/20, approved Monday 12/23. 6 Chex. No extra info requested.

Sam Y.
Sam Y. (@guest_861360)
December 23, 2019 15:25

Looks like a lot of denied due to chex. I got a lot myself (12 or so in the past 12 months) so I probably skip on applying.

Thanks for the DP!