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James (@guest_1976277)
December 29, 2024 16:57

I can confirm that cc funding is dead. The option to fund with a debit card is available but only for a maximum of $100. The other options are for funding with a checking account + routing number.

throwmeaway (@guest_1899413)
August 26, 2024 01:25

no longer allows credit card funding

Don (@guest_1724981)
October 28, 2023 01:37

I know this is a very old thread, but anyone know if applying here is still a hard pull? Thanks.

Ben (@guest_1763750)
December 22, 2023 19:59

You could email and ask, thats probably something they know for sure. I am interested in the $5000 of CC funding which someone confirmed still works a few days ago on which banks accept CC funding page. Trying to meet minimum spend requirements. If you could let me know what you find out I would appreciate it. Thanks

Jill (@guest_1767217)
December 29, 2023 17:25

I reached out to their live chat and they gave the same answer as in the old hard pull data point, that, “Yes, we do hard pulls for new members because we are a credit union.”.

MaTT (@guest_1689941)
September 10, 2023 03:24

Has anyone opened this OOS?

Don (@guest_1724982)
October 28, 2023 01:37

Did you try?

Danny (@guest_1584742)
March 25, 2023 13:58

Asked about the offer in branch and the associate mentioned funding with a CC would be run as a cash advance. I didn’t fund with a credit card to confirm this to be true.

FRD (@guest_1615384)
May 9, 2023 23:39

This page is for the business checking, but I can vouch for the personal accounts not running as cash advance. At least they did last year.

I opened up a membership savings account, and was able to fund up to 5k. I used CIP and it coded as a purchase. After that I could open other accounts and fund each of them up to 5k, so I did the Money Market account and the Cash Back Checking account, each funded with CIP as a purchase.

However, for those two that I opened after my first account I had to call in to open the account as online it would not give the option to fund with CC. Funding with CC over the phone I had to pay a 7.50 visa processing fee for each account, however. Still, $15 was worth it for me for 15k in spend between the three accounts.

No Ragrets
No Ragrets (@guest_1653584)
July 14, 2023 01:44

Hey FRD, Thanks for the info! Couple of questions:
– CIP = Chase Ink Premier?
– Hard or soft pull?
– Did you call in to open the other two accounts the same day you opened the first one or did you wait for a few days?
Would like to play it similarly.

Lee (@guest_1679902)
August 25, 2023 10:55

Did you get a HP for opening your A+ CU savings account? Also, when opening your additional accounts, did A+ run another chex inquiry? TIA!

Bhavin Patel
Bhavin Patel (@guest_1562818)
February 23, 2023 20:30

Denied, Chex

AlBundysBigguns (@guest_1557552)
February 16, 2023 03:03

Does anyone know if this is still a hard pull on your credit?

Not looking to get a hard pull for a simple checking account.

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek (@guest_1544924)
January 29, 2023 23:32

Select Employer $100 Offer:

In Texas, but looks like they will accept OOS with $10 donation.

AlBundysBigguns (@guest_1554436)
February 11, 2023 04:17

I’m not seeing in the terms any details on which employers qualify you. Where did you happen to find the link? Have you tried this bonus and know if it pays out for anyone?

Don (@guest_1651595)
July 11, 2023 16:00

Do you know if OOS with $10 donation is confirmed? If so, how Chex sensitive? I’m maybe 8/12. Thanks.

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
July 11, 2023 18:33

Sorry, I do not know. I found this offer via Google. Once I saw SEG (SELECT EMPLOYER GROUP) in the promo code, I stopped looking. Based on what the webpage says, you enter that promo code and then select your employer, so if your employer is not on the list, your probably not getting the bonus. Without DP’s, I am not chancing it on a Chex inquiry and maybe a hard pull for a $100 bonus when there are $400 Chex-inquiry sensitive offers I can be getting denied for elsewhere. (sarcasm)

AlBundysBigguns Don

No Ragrets
No Ragrets (@guest_1653589)
July 14, 2023 01:48

This one is supposed to be a money maker for the cc funding ability. That didn’t entice ya?