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Neelie (@guest_1922219)
September 30, 2024 20:29

Opened an US Bank Silver Business banking on 9/27. Funded $3,000 with Chase Ink Preferred coded as Miscellaneous, count as spending towards sign up bonus.

This was my third attempt at opening an US Bank account. I live in a state with its branches but they still denied me twice. This time, I opened a US Bank Business credit card earlier September and the bank account was approved instantly. I guess the new credit card worked as “existing relationship”.

Nik89 (@guest_1920625)
September 27, 2024 16:07

US Bank Silver Business banking funded with Chase Ink Preferred. $1000 coded as purchase.

TK (@guest_1885557)
July 31, 2024 20:07

7/24/2024 Opened US Bank Silver Business, funded $3,000 with Chase Ink Preferred. Coded as purchase, miscellaneous.

Branin (@guest_1902654)
August 30, 2024 17:20

Mine keeps getting rejected. Any dp on how to get it processed? Tried online and calling in.

Joe (@guest_1836566)
April 26, 2024 20:27

US Bank Silver Business banking funded with Chase Ink Preferred. $3000 coded as purchase.

Michael (@guest_805732)
September 3, 2019 12:00

9/3/19 Opened Easy Checking and funded $50 with Chase Freedom Unlimited, coded as purchase

Kurt (@guest_568422)
March 9, 2018 23:15

Maybe I did something wrong, but I applied online for the Easy Checking account with my targeted mailer and didn’t get an option to fund with a credit card online?

Grant (@guest_568415)
March 9, 2018 22:10

My data points:

02/02/18 – account opened, funded $500 with Citi Double Cash CC
02/26/18 – $500 direct deposit posted
03/06/18 – $500 direct deposit posted
03/06/18 – $200 bonus posted

I’m going to wait 3 months and close this account.

JohnnyBoyJr (@guest_561924)
February 19, 2018 19:25

Just closed my checking account that had been opened back in 2006. At the time, the regular bonus was $50, but for a brief while it was increased to a juicy $75.
Right after I hung up, I figured it would’ve been wise to log in to view my final transactions to ensure everything was on the level. *Within 90 seconds of closing the account, everything from the checking account had already been removed!* I felt like I told them, “I quit.” and they said, “You can’t quit — you’re fired!”
I closed it under the assumption they’re going to do another $200+ bonus this summer. (and because I was starting to incur fees)
Hoping for an excellent summer of bonuses this year!

mandingo1 (@guest_512941)
November 10, 2017 14:36

DP follow up:

8/11/17 – Opened Silver Checking & Savings package in person at a branch.

8/15/17 – $30 Bill Pay to Chase CC

8/17/17 – $30 Bill Pay to Sprint Cell bill

9/6/17 – $30 Bill Pay to Chase CC

9/8/17 – $200 bonus deposited as Adjusted Interest.

11/9/17 – Withdrew and left $0 balances.

11/10/17 – Had to wait 1 business day for withdrawals to post. Called customer service number to speak to rep. After some verification questions, he asked reason for closing accounts. I said I had to consolidate funds with my fiance’s account. He said ok and that was it. Easy peasy. Thanks DOC.

radar (@guest_504734)
November 1, 2017 01:05

Ok. i recently received address specific targetted mailer for 200 checking bonus on sep 23rd. The requirement is just 500 direct deposit with in 60 days, no bill pay or anything. I signed up .
Their system was buggy and was timing out so i accidently applied twice and approved twice after the review after 2 days . each time i funded 500 with QS. So i call them immediately and the rep confirms that he can close the second account and move the 500 to the first account. i repeatedly confirm with him to keep the correct account which has the bonus code attached first time.

I check credit card prequalifications. and i am now prequalified with 100$ bonus for spending 500 for two cards. cash+ and 365 amex. I took the screen shot and applied for the credit cards, after initial system denial , the underwriting approves me for both cards with the prequalified APR of 19.99% and extra 0.5% rewards etc etc,, I call back to make sure the bonus is attached to my credit card accounts, and lo behold! they say they cant find the offer attached to my account.
I faxed them the screen shot. And have not heard back.

IF they cheat me of 200 checking bonus and 100, 100 credit card bonuses i am going to write a very thorough CFPB complaint with solid proof .

As for checking account , after the credit card approval i upgraded my easy checking to gold checking and i also got a package savings account. no maintainance fee. i have done 500 dd.

Radar (@guest_519375)
November 20, 2017 00:57

Got my 200 checking Bonus on 11/15/17. Posted as adjusted interest. Still waiting for credit card bonuses

Radar (@guest_528814)
December 2, 2017 14:58

Finally after CFPB complaint got my 200$ credit card bonuses as well for two of the credit cards i was prequalified and approved for :). I upgraded my checking to gold checking fee free. I will contonue to do business with US bank as i love their credit card benefits a lot.

Joe (@guest_534128)
December 12, 2017 00:49

did you get the checking bonus without a CFPB complaint? same thing for me, I applied twice due to a glitch, she said both had promos attached, she closed the first account and kept the second with the promo code attached (supposedly) and my funding was on the second one as well. My offer was targeted for DD of $500 only, no BillPay and I may not have access to employer DD in time, so I’d to have to CFPB it since I would lose as its not a valid DD. TIA for an update