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Ram (@guest_1923187)
October 1, 2024 22:23

I applied for 2nd time for this card. I got first card in April. I didn’t receive any confirmation that I was enrolled in the offer. Am I silently enrolled in the offer?

ShawnTheChuck (@guest_1921049)
September 28, 2024 11:35

I am on my 5th US Bank Biz Card. 3x triple and 2x leverage. How often do people spread your application apart?

I’ve done
Feb/ 2023

Do you close any old ones to reduce total credit given to you by US Bank to make applying for the next US Bank Biz Card easier?

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1921121)
September 28, 2024 13:38

I did five, 3 TC and 2 Leverage before I got denied. My applications were spread out over a longer time frame than yours.
After I got denied last April I closed a TC and a Leverage and waited around two months and then applied for a TC and a Leverage on the same day and was approved for both with only one credit hit.
I’ve since closed another TC and am about to close a Leverage because the $95 AF just posted.

ShawnTheChuck (@guest_1923316)
October 2, 2024 01:20

Thanks for this DP, I really appreciate it! I’ve done the same with Chase, got denied when I was at 5 biz chase cards. Closed previous chase biz cards that are older than 1+year and was able to get auto approved after waiting 30 days. Since then, I waited 60 days and got another chase biz card.

I’ll be doing the same with USBank with your advice, I have 2x TC that are older than 1 year and will be closing them.

Property taxes are always kicking my butt around this time.

Mark (@guest_1918969)
September 25, 2024 10:40

How many of these do people have? I’m looking at getting a third. It’s been almost 3 months since I got the second one.

Kyle (@guest_1919585)
September 26, 2024 06:22

YMMV I’ve only had two at a time. I was actually denied for the second one initially and when I talked with US Bank CSR they said I needed to show a history of spending on my US Bank cards. I also have a personal card. I put some spending on both of my US bank cards over the next few months and applied and was approved this time around.

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1921127)
September 28, 2024 13:50

I would go for it. In my experience they’re pretty lenient. If you get denied, close an old account and wait a month or two.

Cindy (@guest_1916899)
September 21, 2024 17:50

Any word on if this is a limited time offer or will become the new standing offer?? I want to wait until November to get this card in order to pay property taxes coming down.

Karl (@guest_1917902)
September 23, 2024 18:01

You could probably pay your property taxes ahead. If so, I’d go for it now.

There’s a 12-month 0% float. So your only opportunity cost would be the last 2 months of 0% float in late 2025 – when interest rates will very like be a lot lower.

merk (@guest_1911153)
September 13, 2024 11:57

applied on 10th, got text last night they needed more info for my app. called this morning and they literally only wanted me to email photos of my ID front and back, assuming this means i am basically approved? or i guess they could end up wanting more info but not sure why wouldn’t have already asked..

Siva (@guest_1911247)
September 13, 2024 14:08

They asked me to fax the same. Can you share the email id?

Merk (@guest_1911419)
September 13, 2024 18:30
Siva (@guest_1912571)
September 16, 2024 02:17


Flip (@guest_1904800)
September 3, 2024 21:33

Is it Worth the effort to buy gift cards from office supply stores for the 3% to hit spend? Or just do organic spend

Kyle (@guest_1906876)
September 7, 2024 07:50

That’s up to you. If you can meet the spending requirements via organic spend than just do that. You can always hit up one of the Staples or OD/OM VGC or MCGC deals if you haven’t met or can’t meet the spending requirement for the bonus. And then use those cards as needed. Purely up to you.

Mark (@guest_1901221)
August 28, 2024 17:10

Received a mail offer of 750 after 6k spending.

Frey (@guest_1901229)
August 28, 2024 17:30

How is that different than the public offer on the page? Making sure I’m not missing anything.

Mark (@guest_1904839)
September 3, 2024 22:17

No difference. Anyway it was not approved even though it has a targeted offer code. Waste of my time and a hard pull.

minskoff (@guest_1901043)
August 28, 2024 12:44

Is it true that US Bank considers any use of its credit cards for funding external accounts as a cash advance? Just tried to fund a savings account at my credit union and the card got declined. Called to complain, and a USB rep told me point blank: “All transactions initiated by another financial institutions will be treated as cash advance. Even if you try to buy a discounted amusement park ticket at your credit union, we are going to treat as a cash advance.” Weird, no? Never had similar issues with any Chase or Amex cards.

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1901503)
August 29, 2024 01:50

Read downthread.
Basically, you call to set your CA to the max, which is 25% of your credit limit, then fund below your CA limit.
It should show up as a CA, but then it will change to a purchase.

minskoff (@guest_1901681)
August 29, 2024 11:52

Unfortunately, won’t really work for me as my total CL is only 3K. Plus, what if it does not change to a purchase? Not too many DPs on that.

Kyle (@guest_1906877)
September 7, 2024 07:53

I’ve funded bank accounts with US Bank cards and no issues with it being a CA. As Brian R said make sure you have a high enough CA limit to cover the funding. Also make sure you turn on CA. I made the mistake in the past of not actually calling to turn on CA even though online it showed I had more than enough of a CA limit to cover bank account funding at the time. Funding was declined and that ended up being the reason why.

Ozzi (@guest_1900334)
August 27, 2024 14:06

Am I qualified for this new bonus if I am currently holding the card for two years?

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1901504)
August 29, 2024 01:51

No, but you can have more than one TC.

Phil (@guest_1910468)
September 12, 2024 14:36

I don’t think this is true. I opened an account on 3/27/2023 and got the bonus. I opened a 2nd card on 1/9/2024 and also got the bonus. I still have the first card open.

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1910831)
September 12, 2024 21:56

Yes, you opened two cards and got the bonus twice, I did too. Actually, more than twice.
I think what Ozzi was asking is if they could get the current bonus on an older card they already have by meeting the spend requirement.
Maybe i misinterpreted what they were asking, but they would need to open a new card like we both did to get the bonus.

Jimbo (@guest_1917828)
September 23, 2024 16:08

I have had this card for 2 years now, and I would like to get this new offer. When you apply for this deal (and new card), do you close your old card first? If so, how long do you wait after you close it before attempting to apply?

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1918078)
September 23, 2024 22:08

I’ve had multiple TC’s at the same time and got the bonus and I’ve canceled an old card and waited a month and applied for a new card and got the bonus, so either method can work.
If you apply and get turned down then try closing the card and waiting a month or two and re-applying.

EB (@guest_1917881)
September 23, 2024 17:37

seems like an odd interpretation of the question

Brian R
Brian R (@guest_1918079)
September 23, 2024 22:09

Odd questions get odd answers?

AD (@guest_1894086)
August 16, 2024 13:27

EV charging also gets 3%