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anne (@guest_1608367)
April 29, 2023 11:24

I bought the I bond last April, 2022. I should have received a bleneded rate of 8.37%. Instead I checked my account yesterday, it showed only 6.38%. The I bond settled down on April 29, 2022.

Frey (@guest_1608467)
April 29, 2023 15:37

There is no blended rate in the TD account. It shows actual rate in effect. If you want to know a blended rate for your individual account, you need to figure it yourself. Make sure to include the forfeiture of 3 months interest if redeeming before 5 years.

anne (@guest_1609367)
May 1, 2023 11:52

So basically it says the current value is $10,638, which reflects 6.38%. I am so confused!

jd (@guest_1609404)
May 1, 2023 12:49

“Make sure to include the forfeiture of 3 months interest if redeeming before 5 years.”

Nate (@guest_1587736)
March 29, 2023 16:41

Is everyone planning on withdrawing in July or is this a pretty good long term investment?

Snowbird (@guest_1590116)
April 2, 2023 07:43

It won’t be July, but rather, if current trends continue, three months after each bond resets to the new lower rate. In my case, some in October and some next January.

raul ayala
raul ayala (@guest_1522968)
December 31, 2022 03:54

why series 1 bond of $10000 only paid me $320 for the first 6 months from may to Novembers 2022 at 9.67%? Shouldn’t it be $483.50?

Greg (@guest_1539221)
January 21, 2023 12:16

There is a three month penalty if you cash it before five years. When you look at the current value on the website the three month penalty if factored into the value. I think the way most people do it is milk all the high interest (for you the next six months at 6.48) and then when a six month period with much lower interest starts (probably the next one) let the money sit for three months and then cash out. That way you only lose the interest on the poorer earning months and not the higher interest months.

Bulba (@guest_1466434)
October 15, 2022 21:10

Qq, I bought I-bonds in April, so interest rate update will be in November. Do I need to re- buy them again or don’t need to touch anything and will start earning 9.62% starting in November for the next 6 months?

MC (@guest_1466450)
October 15, 2022 21:33

If your issue date was in April, your rate would have reset on October 1 to 9.62% and you should be able to see that in your account. No need to re-buy anything, its all automatic until you decide to redeem the bond.

Bulba (@guest_1467537)
October 17, 2022 17:58

Oh, yep, I see it. Thanks!

PJ (@guest_1464286)
October 13, 2022 10:33

I Bond Rate Will Likely Drop To 6.47% After CPI Report.

Purchase before November to get the 9.62% rate, followed by the 6.47% rate.

Drew$$ (@guest_1417974)
August 1, 2022 10:57

This video shows how to correctly calculate your monthly I Bond Interest payments.

mangorunner (@guest_1418372)
August 1, 2022 19:27

Here’s an excellent I-bond calculator:

Joey (@guest_1461420)
October 9, 2022 15:04

Thank you!

Drew$$ (@guest_1409408)
July 15, 2022 08:02

“Lawmaker urges Yellen, Treasury Department to remove ‘red tape’ for Series I bonds”

Matt (@guest_1408480)
July 13, 2022 15:10

Has anyone had to get their account approved using the paper form? For whatever reason the TreasuryDirect site could not verify me online so I had to print out the form to fill out. I’m having a really hard time finding a “certified officer” who can sign and stamp the form for me. All the banks around me say they don’t have that specific type of stamp, or they’re misunderstanding the type of stamp required. In any case, they say they can’t certify it for me and the form specifically says a notary stamp is not allowable. If anyone can point me in the right direction for this it would be greatly appreciated.

Drew$$ (@guest_1421648)
August 8, 2022 12:07


danny (@guest_1404446)
July 4, 2022 10:15

anyone have any idea what the next rate will be??? are we looking at higher or lower then the current ????

Jack (@guest_1404450)
July 4, 2022 10:28

It’s only 2 months into the current rate. Read through the thread, there are multiple DPs with ways to calculate.

danny (@guest_1404766)
July 5, 2022 09:30

hmmm. scrolled thru, don’t see any DPs

Drew$$ (@guest_1403049)
July 1, 2022 07:17

“‘It’s like going to the DMV online'”. This article sums up the I Bond purchasing experience pretty well.