The Offer
- Uber is offering $5 off your next 9 rides when you use the following promo codes:
- SORRY_5_OFF_US_2021_1
- SORRY_5_OFF_US_2021_2
- SORRY_5_OFF_US_2021_3
- SORRY_5_OFF_US_2021_4
- SORRY_5_OFF_US_2021_5
- SORRY_5_OFF_US_2021
Our Verdict
Uber often removes codes if they weren’t meant to be publicly available, so better to actually use the codes ASAP (even if they get added to your account they can be removed).
Was able to apply all 5 promo codes successfully. Zero of them actually work. Don’t even bother trying to apply them.
Promo does not work. Able to add promo but did actually apply. Contacted support but no luck.
“Reviewing your account, it appears that you are not eligible for this promotion.
This promotion is only available to riders who directly receive communication related to the promotion either in-app or over email.”
This promo is not being acknowledged by Uber. Even if it is on your app, and your rides say “PROMO”, they refused to honour it. Now spitefully using Lyft in SF on a very rainy day!
I tried to use these for actual rides, and it didn’t apply the discount even though the code is in there. First time I escalated to CSR and they applied the $5. Second time, no dice, they said “this promo isn’t valid for you because you aren’t targeted” in so many words.
Worked for me on rides 1 and 2 today but not 3 and 4…
None worked for me in NYC. Tried to redeem on the app and site
seems all worked for me in Chicago, but I can only add 5 offers. 1 of them expires by 12/31, others by 1/11
Definitely doesn’t work on Uber Eats!
SORRY_5_OFF_US also works but I think only 5 promotion codes can be active at a time, so I’ll use it after using these one of these 5 promotion codes (which offer 8 rides in total), so I’d also get a promo for my 9th ride.
Uber is going to be pretty expensive on NYE, so these would help. Thanks, DoC!
4 out of 5 worked for me, thank you DOC