[Expired] Uber: Free Rides On Election Day (11/06) [Update: One Ride Up To $10]

Deal has expired, view more uber deals by clicking here.

Update 10/31/18: Uber has now provided more information. Users can receive one ride up to $10 in value on election day.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Uber has announced they will be offering free rides to polling booths on November 6th, 2018.

The Fine Print

  • November 6th, 2018

Our Verdict

Lyft is also offering free/50% off rides. I don’t think it’s immediately clear if all Uber users will receive free rides or not, as the screenshot they provide does show fees? I’m a fan of anything that gets more people to vote, regardless of who they vote for. Let’s try to keep the comments section for discussion of this offer rather than your own political beliefs.

Hat tip to TPG

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AnameOfaguy (@guest_665983)
October 31, 2018 19:48

I think you need a second update: “In addition to our work with partners, we will also be offering $10 off a single ride to the polls on Election Day on the most affordable Uber option available in your city (Express POOL, POOL, or UberX, in that order).”

It’s not only not a free ride to the poll ($10 max), but you have to hike to your pickup location (Express Pool).

Louis (@guest_654518)
October 9, 2018 01:16

The release is written by Dara, so we are SURE to see bait and switch! My polling place is over 30 minutes away and has a toll. Hmmm…

qmc (@guest_654532)
October 9, 2018 03:06

“Written by Dara Khosrowshahi”

Dara is the post-kalanick CEO

Zalmy (@guest_654799)
October 9, 2018 15:47

Is Dara very bait-and-switch?

Derek (@guest_654501)
October 9, 2018 00:25

What if my poll place is right by my home? Sounds like a free ride home from work, beep beep! #NYC

Snorlax (@guest_655274)
October 10, 2018 14:02

Doesn’t say anything about ride back home, just a ride TO the polling place.

Yoni (@guest_654499)
October 9, 2018 00:16

Wonder if we can trade free ride from Uber
For a free lunch from ubereats? 😉

Not sure which is rarer Unicorns or honest politicians.

Raj (@guest_654440)
October 8, 2018 21:36

Somewhat related, has anyone noticed that the “Payments” section in Uber now aggregates all credits together? How can you separate the Amex credits from any other Uber credits/GCs?

SuitCase (@guest_654454)
October 8, 2018 21:54

Looks like you just tap the number, and it breaks it down into the source of the funds. True on iOS, anyway.

Raj (@guest_654488)
October 8, 2018 23:38

Ah, you’re right (also on iOS). Thanks.

Joe (@guest_654332)
October 8, 2018 18:37

Lock her up!

Frank (@guest_654351)
October 8, 2018 18:58

It’s an anti-Hillary reference. Doesn’t look like he read the whole post or did a bad job with irony

Mike (@guest_654537)
October 9, 2018 06:45

They demanded due process for Kav but still yell lock her up at HRC 🙄

Chucks (@guest_654635)
October 9, 2018 10:51

Arguably people are arrested after being charged and it’s hard to convey due process in a three word chant…

jeff (@guest_654313)
October 8, 2018 18:13

“provide free rides to the polls” no mention about a ride back home

Frank (@guest_654352)
October 8, 2018 18:58

2x surge minimum