[Expired] UberEats: Free Delivery With Promo Code FREEFORFOURTH [Select Areas?]

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The Offer

  • You can get free delivery from UberEats when you enter promo code FREEFORFOURTH

The Fine Print

  • Discount valid until 11:55PM (CDT) 07/08/18 in Akron, Ann Arbor, Champaign, Chicago, Cleveland, Dayton, Des Moines, Grand Rapids, Green Bay, Lansing, Lexington, Madison, NW Indiana, Omaha, South Bend, and Toledo only. I added it to my account and I see no such restriction, I also see a different end date so I wonder if it will work for everybody?

Our Verdict

Update: Looks like the discount isn’t applying at check out unless you’ve getting food delivered to one of the above areas?

E-mail says you need to spend $17.76 as well but again it doesn’t actually show that after I add it to my account so maybe there is no minimum after all? Don’t forget you can use your American Express Platinum credit on UberEats as well.

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jc (@guest_613468)
July 5, 2018 18:37

I added the offer to my account, but when I tried to redeem it, the booking fee still shows.

Justin (@guest_612334)
July 3, 2018 17:58

I want to hear real data points of success. Adding to your account doesn’t mean anything. It supposedly was accepted by my account, but it didn’t deduct the charge upon ordering.

SF (@guest_612220)
July 3, 2018 13:13

Promo added to account successfully!

Charlie (@guest_611969)
July 2, 2018 23:02

Worked in Washington, DC, 7/15 expiration.

Petitesybarite (@guest_611901)
July 2, 2018 20:51

Added. Exp 7/15. Works in SF/SJ Bay Area

Mark (@guest_611888)
July 2, 2018 20:27

Was able to add in Seattle but not applying to the order when I did a test checkout.

kevin (@guest_611860)
July 2, 2018 19:46

added in my account. but it is not applied when i want to checkout. not sure whether because of the $15 credit from amex platinum.

William (@guest_611857)
July 2, 2018 19:42

I’m actually visiting Mexico at the moment and I could add the code!

But when I try ordering.. it doesn’t work here in Mexico. But it says valid until JUly 15! so I can try when I get back home to the U.S 🙂

Han (@guest_611851)
July 2, 2018 19:33

Working in Tucson, AZ. July 15th is expiration date

Ilan (@guest_611833)
July 2, 2018 19:02

Works in SF