I follow a lot of different blogs as part of my research for this blog. I thought it’d be a nice idea to couple a few blogs which I think are under-appreciated and deserve more exposure. If you’re a blog owner and not included in this list, that doesn’t mean I don’t like you it just means I either don’t know about you (in which case drop a comment here and I’ll add you to my feedly) or more probable a lot of people already know about you.
This list is in no particular order.
- Big habitat, Saverocity. One of the best in the business when it comes to taking advantage of portal bonuses for reselling opportunities, something I never used to be interested in until reading this blog.
- The Free-quent Flyer. If you’re into manufactured spending and aren’t reading this blog then you’re doing it wrong. Do yourself a favor and subscribe to his mailing list via paypal as well, hands down the best money you’ll spend.
- Oren’s Money Saver. Posts are a bit hit or miss sometimes, but often comes up with some good cash back deals.
- FrugalHack.Me. Really good points and miles blog, learned a lot from here.
- Free point site. If you want free points for non travel loyalty programs then check out this site.
- Miles to Memories, Boarding Area. Thought about leaving Shaun offer the list because he has been getting a lot more exposure recently but more never hurts.
- Travel With Grant. Similar vein to the above, getting more exposure recently and deservedly so. Looks at aspects other points & miles bloggers aren’t looking at and sets the trend.
- Travel is Free. Whenever I evaluate a credit card that offers miles, I always check Drew’s blog to give myself a refresher course on what the sweet spots are when it comes to redeeming those miles.
I probably should have included more bloggers from Saverocity (e.g Miles4more & PFdigest), but just add the main blog to your feedly and you’ll get posts from the rest of the blogs. What blogs did I miss? Let me know in the comments section below and if I agree, I’ll add it to the list!
Thanks Will. I appreciate the call out! And I read quite a few of the others too.
This is a great list! Thanks for the mention Will.
Thanks for the link Will!
Travel if free is bogus.
Whaaat? Why would you say that?
Thanks for the mention Will! As for MilesToMemories, his name is spelled Shawn, not Shaun. Side note, it was nice meeting some of the guys from Saverocity at the #WestCoastDo last weekend. Any chance you will be at any of the future travel conferences?
My bad, I always seem to misspell that one. Fixed it now. I’d like to try and make a few of the conferences next year, I’ll have to see what my work schedule is like. I have a few other reservations about attending (e.g “outing” deals people tell me about in person) but I’m sure I’ll be able to find some sort of compromise.