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Saam (@guest_1838287)
May 1, 2024 11:10
Jimmy Johns
Jimmy Johns (@guest_1803634)
February 27, 2024 01:36

 Chuck  William Charles Looks like the bonus tiers got a big upgrade. Previous promotion expired, replaced by new promotion which expires 3/15/2024. Can’t seem to find a public link, I can post my personal referral code which shows the new terms.

Separately, also received an email from Upgrade stating the APY is now increased to from 5.07% to 5.21%

Deposit 15,000 to 29,999 each gets $75 (previously 50)
Deposit 30,000 to 49,999 each gets $150 (previously 100)
Deposit 50,000 to 99,999 each gets $300 (previously 200)
Deposit 100,000+ each gets $500 (new tier)

Same terms otherwise, deposit within 30 days, hold for 60. Comes out to ~15.5% return on the $300 tier if referring family members, etc. Probably one of the best savings bonuses going on right now!

Links in the referral page are now marked as expired, can we post our own new links for the new promotion?

Tommy (@guest_1797053)
February 13, 2024 09:47

Got a email yesterday that I received the bonus but when I check my account, I don’t see anything. Does it take some time for it to show up after receiving the email?

sunnyboy1234 (@guest_1800589)
February 20, 2024 13:02

Did you get the bonus? What was your timeline?

Tommy (@guest_1800954)
February 21, 2024 10:08

11/10 Opened Savings
11/15 Completed deposit required for bonus
2/12 Email received that I received the bonus
2/14 Bonus posted in my checking account

Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek 🔗
Gadget - Bank Bonus Geek 🔗 (@guest_1805593)
February 29, 2024 14:00

Guessing by your 5-day funding period you only made one deposit into the Premier Savings to reach your selected tier?

Tommy (@guest_1805647)
February 29, 2024 15:56


sunnyboy1234 (@guest_1782776)
January 21, 2024 22:08

Any info about EATF?

Bryan (@guest_1733749)
November 9, 2023 13:33

So what’s the difference between the Premier and Everyday Savings?

ShawntheShawn👈🏾 (@guest_1734913)
November 11, 2023 09:05

Everyday Savings is an account paired with your Rewards Checking, so you need to have a Rewards Checking to be eligible to open the Everyday Savings account. See here:

In contrast, Premier Savings is a stand-alone account, meaning anyone can apply for a Premier Savings account. See here: (the second part of it about existing Rewards Checking account not being eligible is no longer true).

Normat (@guest_1733348)
November 9, 2023 01:03

(Sorry, I mistakenly pasted my referral link here, which I deleted immediately.)

Yukun (@guest_1733120)
November 8, 2023 21:26

These guys asked me for three years’ worth of tax returns and a bunch of other information when I tried to open a checking account. Support was very unfriendly when I called to ask why.

snailrock (@guest_1733328)
November 9, 2023 00:13

The checking or the line of credit?

Yukun (@guest_1733486)
November 9, 2023 08:44

Checking. I asked if it was a line of credit and they said no, then proceeded to lecture me on why they’re “different” and that was why they needed so much of my tax info.

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1733102)
November 8, 2023 20:47

 Chuck A minor correction to make: on the referral links page, it says “OnPath Credit Union Referral Links”

snailrock (@guest_1732899)
November 8, 2023 16:14

Here’s an important note: it looks like you can’t open the Premier Savings at all if you already have a checking account with them.

“The Premier Savings account through Upgrade is a stand-alone account, meaning anyone can apply for a Premier Savings account. However, at this time, if you have an existing Rewards Checking account you cannot open a Premier Savings account, but you can open a companion High Yield Savings account.”

I wonder what happens if you open a Premier Savings, then try to open a checking account after…?

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1732901)
November 8, 2023 16:17

That’s no longer true. I have a Rewards checking, and I was open to open the Premier Savings.

snailrock (@guest_1732919)
November 8, 2023 16:29

Oh, it appears you’re right –I just tried signing up and it let my app through, and I have the checking. Thank you for the correction

lilurbanachiever (@guest_1733057)
November 8, 2023 19:34

Yep, was able to open instantly through a referral link with my dormant checking account.

VP (@guest_1732860)
November 8, 2023 15:30

PSA: Freeze your credit ( especially TransUnion). I tried applying for this account 6 months back and they asked me to reapply after unfreezing my TU. I already had their LOC as well as regular checking and savings account.

ShawntheShawn (@guest_1732909)
November 8, 2023 16:21

I did not get a hard pull when I applied and opened the Premier savings account.

VP (@guest_1732917)
November 8, 2023 16:28

Oh Perfect ! I will try applying again 🙂