Whole Foods and Virginia State Parks have an interesting partnership that started around June 1 and will extend to September 4 (Labor Day). There are two prongs to the partnership: at select Whole Foods and at select Virginia State Parks. (Really, this post could just be titled [VA, I-64 only].)
First, Whole Foods – specifically, the Whole Foods locations in Charlottesville, Richmond (Glen Allen), Newport News, or Virginia Beach (i.e. only 4 of the 13 Virginia locations). Any time you shop at those Whole Foods locations, you can bring your receipt up to the customer service desk and receive a coupon (really just a small slip of paper) giving you free parking or free entry to any Virginia State Park. The coupon is valid thru the end of the year (December 31, 2017), so there’s plenty of time to use the coupons after Virginia (hopefully) cools off in the fall.
Second, Virginia State Parks – specifically, parks “close” to those Whole Food locations (James River State Park, Pocahontas State Park, Chippokes Plantation State Park, and First Landing State Park). While the details have not been released, you can in some manner obtain a coupon for $10 off $50 at Whole Foods at those Virginia State Parks.
While the partnership isn’t offering any outsized rewards, it’s still a nifty little benefit to work in, similar to the fee-free National Park days or Bank of America’s Museums on Us program.
If anyone has more information about the Virginia State Parks prong of the partnership, let us know in the comments below! You can view Virginia State Parks’s blog post about the partnership at this link, and a complete listing of Virginia State Parks can be found at this link.
Thanks Sirtheta for the news! Happens I live not far from the Hoo’ville Whole Foods & just off I-64 😉 Raised a family in these parts — and have long enjoyed the many National Parks & Forest preserves, plus great county parks — yet totally missed checking out the VA state parks. This will be a great boost to do just that.