Make Any Purchase & Get A $50 Promo Code Valid On Your Next Purchase

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • is offering a $50 promo code valid on your next purchase when you make any purchase

The Fine Print

  • Book by November 26th, 2018
  • No exclusions
  • No minimum purchase necessary
  • Gift cards excluded

Our Verdict

Cheapest item I could quickly find was the Eiffel Tower Viewing Deck for $10. KISS: By Monster Mini Golf is also $11.95. If anybody finds anything cheaper let us know in the comments.

Hat tip to Extreme Hotel Deals

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James Max
James Max (@guest_677198)
November 23, 2018 04:42

I booked a show ticket and didnt get any promo code, instead I got a bunch of $50 off offers afterwards for other sites and products… I dont see any promo code that I can use on again.. I am kinda pissed because that fake promotion costed me $10 for order processing since I didnt buy all the shows together to save up on that…

James Max
James Max (@guest_677585)
November 23, 2018 18:55

You are right, I thought it was instant but it does say within 24 hours, I still dont have it 16 hours after but I should get it soon.

Krista check my posts
Krista check my posts (@guest_676868)
November 22, 2018 13:15

Reminder to anyone wanting to use this to leverage “Cheap” Accommodations that pretty much all the strip hotels listed on have a $35-$40 daily Resort fee.

Perhaps could purchase a $10 Eiffel viewing ticket then save $50 on a show?

Atlantic City
Atlantic City (@guest_676825)
November 22, 2018 11:43

When will they do this for Atlantic City?

Bruce (@guest_676701)
November 22, 2018 03:56

The site language clearly refers to ‘bookings.’ Has anyone tested whether product purchases will trigger the bonus?

Ayrton Carson
Ayrton Carson (@guest_676766)
November 22, 2018 09:34

The mini golf and the Eiffel Tower viewing deck are bookings. I don’t think there are any actual products on the site.

Bruce (@guest_676824)
November 22, 2018 11:40

Got it. Thanks.

Paul (@guest_676700)
November 22, 2018 03:48

How quickly do you receive the $50?

James Max
James Max (@guest_677588)
November 23, 2018 18:58

within 24 hours, I am still waiting 16 hours later.

veldo (@guest_676697)
November 22, 2018 03:38

Do the $50 promo codes stack?

James Max
James Max (@guest_677587)
November 23, 2018 18:58

No, it says its one promo code per user account. You might be able to create multiple accounts and purchase 2 shows per account to get the promo more than once but its more of a hassle and risky.

llllllllllllllll (@guest_676696)
November 22, 2018 03:32

Can you get more than one gc? Can you use more than one gc on an order?

CJ (@guest_676682)
November 22, 2018 02:56